I linked the whole thread because it's just full of salt.
Also, a reminder that the only thing worse than obsessively loving capeshit is obsessively hating it. The radical centrist and objectively correct take is that they are just okay.
It entertains me to no end watching redditors - who invariably have high opinions of themselves - trip over themselves to defend the bottom-of-the-barrel, lowest common denominator trite shit Disney regurgitates into their gross, eagerly-opened mouths.
You just know these people also believe music peaked with 70s dadrock. Just admit you like some stupid shit dude
1 SnapshillBot 2019-05-05
Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Phantom_Engineer 2019-05-05
I linked the whole thread because it's just full of salt.
Also, a reminder that the only thing worse than obsessively loving capeshit is obsessively hating it. The radical centrist and objectively correct take is that they are just okay.
1 RepelsWater 2019-05-05
You take it back. Capeshitters will be the first to fall under the sword inshallah.
1 whenweriiide 2019-05-05
It entertains me to no end watching redditors - who invariably have high opinions of themselves - trip over themselves to defend the bottom-of-the-barrel, lowest common denominator trite shit Disney regurgitates into their gross, eagerly-opened mouths.
You just know these people also believe music peaked with 70s dadrock. Just admit you like some stupid shit dude