Askmen user spergs and not one but four mods engage ‘Y’all cant’ drive.

208  2019-05-05 by LucidHuckleberry


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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u/throwaway_swifty did nothing wrong

It was all an elaborate rouse to finally achieve my lifetime goal of making it into /r/Drama.

Welcome 🤗

So you can post bussy right


You're stunning and brave, never forget that.

askmen mod: Sorry but if you think you know what subreddit is for, or what that your advice is correct at all, you have other thing coming, friend

Is this the equivalent of r/truelesbian not wanting manladies in their safespace? Because if so, I can sympathize. Why would you ask for advice from a dude, and think a foid has anything to offer from a moids perspective?

Also the mod circlejerk on that post about respect for wahmen is cringey as fuck

I can help you there, as I'm the OP - the intention was to ask women to stop trying to contradict the advice of men on /r/AskMen as if they know better. A lot of the responses in that thread that ran along the lines of "she's not the one for you if x, y, z" or directly attempting to counter a comment by a man if they perceived it as negative. AskMen is an excellent resource for those actually looking for the perspective of their fellow males on issues that pertain to the male experience. Despite the straw man set up by the mod that called me a cunt (breaking rule 1 of the sub, I might add), I wasn't suggesting women shouldn't post there at all.

Im with you my dude 100%. Its called r/askmen not r/askmenandwomenarguetheiranswers.

Yeah, that's called Monday through Sunday in the real world

Oh to be sure the post was decent and raised a very fair point.

But the mod four-way was hilarious.

Yeah, I said elsewhere I'm tempted to buy them all gold just because it made me laugh so much.

Why give janitors a tip? They work for free.

It's a mod 5-way now. I'm hoping I'll make the full set by the end of the day.

This ain't a fucking "men's only club" safespace buddy. Anyone is allowed to say anything they want.

except for you, apparently. God those jannies are fucking dense.

Yeah, I am enjoying watching them publicly wank themselves off without seeing the irony of it, when all it would have taken was a private message. Instead they have turned the Streisand effect up to 11.

Take your hand off your dick for a second there buddy, you're not as smart as you think and we're not as dumb as you think.


AskMen is an excellent resource for those actually looking for the perspective of their fellow males on issues that pertain to the male experience.

lmao wtf is this gay shit?

Do real life men with balls and testosterone ever speak like this?

I've never asked a question there, but there are plenty of men who don't fit that description who have no other outlet than the internet. Yes, there are some hilariously inept questions there but it's a resource for blokes who are too afraid of ridicule or lack the skills to resolve this by taking any action in person. There is nothing to be gained by calling them a puff and laughing at them some more. For those that are that way inclined, the entertainment value is there to read. Men have a hard enough time with the current social paradigm as it is, without us all making it harder for each other for the sake of entertainment.

You explained it well, though I think they may have meant it as a joke (that fell rather flat)

Fl*t is a gendered slur used to control whaman, please refrain.

plenty of men who don't fit that description who have no other outlet than the internet

Theyre not mens, there's plenty to gain, it's enjoyable to laugh at the losers.

If that's what floats your boat man, all power to you.

Same, hopefully one day you wont need a nerdy forum to accept you're an inapte feminine man, a twink bussy is the greatest thing to see.

Sounds like you've almost reached climax, having a quick read of my post history should help you finish.

Had he said "speaking their truth", he'd have completed the whole sissy bingo.

Makes sense, but do you want to have r/askmen turn into r/askwomen where there is straight up censorship in support of silly circlejerks?

Absolutely not, which is why I attempted to (politely) ask the women of the sub to consider where they are when they respond, rather than ask for moderator intervention.

Fair enough.

Women need to respect our lived experience.

I mean that's pretty reasonable lmao. I guess if somebody wants an actual sub where you only get men's answers they're gonna need to make a /r/trueaskmen or something like that.

More like /r/asktruemen 😎

I feel ya. I unsubbed from /r/twoxchromosomes because it just seemed like men were lurking and looking for reasons to argue with women. The point is exactly what you said, to get thoughts and opinions from a specific subset of people. It's not about creating a 'safe space' or whatever else, yet people who perceive it that way feel the need to create some form of opposition. This is why we can't have nice things, unfortunately.

I don't know which mod banned me, but I was arguing the point that top-level replies should be from men and men only. Apparently people thought this meant that I thought no one but men should be allowed to comment and all the mods jumped down my throat claiming all sorts of bullshit that wasn't true, so I turned the comment that I originally made in to an effort-post calling out all the mods on their bullshit claims, eventually almost getting back in the positives for being a dick to the mods after they were such massive assholes.

It's not worth the fight at the end of the day, it's just a subreddit. They have done all the work for me in terms of any kind of rebuttal. It would just be nice for men seeking genuine advice from other men to actually get that, rather than some idealised outside view.


lol nice

what could the 'men' on askmen actually teach you? im sure u already know how to guzzle soy

the intention was to ask women to stop trying to contradict the advice of men on /r/AskMen as if they know better

Fucking femsplaining smh

They do it for free 🤣🤣🤣

gay af

Apparently he’s a fucking bellend but not woke enough to be a cunt. Post gets tagged pretentious cunt. 🤔

Maybe I should start identifying as a wind type pansexual space womble and hope I gain enough woke points to qualify as a fully fledged cunt.

Hang around Drama. We can help you reach your goals.

Subbed :D


Uh wow sweaty, incel much?💄👏🏿💅🏿🤦🏿‍♀️

Lets unpack this

Internet janitors are subhuman

Hahaha foid rekt

EDIT: Wow, those mods are pretty dumb.

That's redundant

imagine doing it for less than minimum wage

GOOD point

Anyone is allowed to say anything they want.

Uh, obviously not.


Limitations and exceptions apply, void if /u/throwaway_swifty

They literally locked the thread.

They are gutless pukes. That's typically what gutless pukes do.


Is nobody going to mention the oiposting?

People larping as working class Brits online is even cringier than the yallposting.

That guy is stealing /u/cdace's schtick

Oi mate. You got yourself a license for that there y'all?

calling you a cunt wouldn't be nice to cunts, at least they're useful for something.

Yikers, there’s a lot to unpack here.

A slight Eau de Misogyny

/u/nickachu_ you realize that your attempt to be woke actually comes across as super misogynistic, right?

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

The trick is to know when you're right. Then you just become a gambler and place max bets at the exact times you are scheduled to be right.

calling you a cunt wouldn't be nice to cunts, at least they're useful for something.

whats wrong with cunts?!

can you imagine them sputtering out lines like these irl lol

They'd have to ask their wife's boyfriend for permission first

And he won’t give it because he just bought that new Switch

They're inferior bussy.

Even more gutless was locking the thread after they added what they had to say while labeling OP as a pretentious cunt. OP had a valid point and made it in a respectful way.

Mods, as they typically do, got their fucking feelings hurt and decided to attempt to silence the masses. I doubt they have enough guts to wander over here for some quality debate.

They're internet janitors who work for free. If they can't abuse their itty bitty bits of power they'd probably commit suicide.

I doubt they have enough guts to wander over here for some quality debate.

Well invite them and find out

Imagine accusing someone of wanting a safe space and then locking the thread for disagreement.

He's right though

im surprised they didn't ban him

So am I. Particularly given this thread's appearance as well.

Meanwhile if you tried to contradict women's responses on /r/askwomen as a man you'd be banned before you even hit the save button.

There's a reason why r/askmen is more popular than r/askwomen

Honestly r/askmen is like the only “dude” sub that I can engage in. Even if you still have that phenomenon of the “right” answer being upvoted they also won’t hesitate to tell you that girl that won’t text back is gobbling mad dick so keep it moving.

All the other ones are self flagellating lefties or blood and soil roids.

It’s one of the few subs i hang in, r/relationship_advice got very slightly better once all the cucks migrated to r/AITA.

Thos guy is such a chad at the age of 50 that his dick turned a prostitute into a wife? Yep, he’d be flagellated in r/AITA

tfw you see an use of "oi" regardless of whether ironical or unironical.

4 virgins grouped together to protect the name of women, hilarious shit, cant get more reddit than that.

Is there any "Ask" sub that isn't retarded?

Ask men, not ask anybody.

OP says that he doesnt like women devaluating men answers and ask politely to no fo that. Is ask men not ask everybody.

Mods insult OP just because he giñave his opinion.

My opinion: r/askmen mods a fucking cucks who feel superior to control other opinions and always have a bias to women in the hope one day a women will love them. Internet janitors are subhuman. Mods you dont need to defend women because women can defend themselves. Op wasnt attacking women also. Mods I bet your real life is pretty pathetic and your self steem is so low that you need to censor random people in the internet.

Internet janitors are retarded.

Surely report those shitty mods

The exact same phenomenon has been noted in /r/AskWomen so I don't even know why there's drama.

Askwomen is usually good about shutting down the "but actually" maleoids. As they should.

To think that these brave heroes do it for free! I'm glad such valiant men exist to protect women from the incel scourge trying to besmirch their pure names. Shame on you, u/throwaway_swifty, get banned!

I'm amazed I haven't been banned to be honest.

They just deleted the thread lololol butthurt mods out of touch with their sub

I don't mind seeing women post in askmen, but yes, I agree that it's about the male perspective. I don't comment on askwomen for that reason- im not the one being asked. you do see men occasionally comment and sometimes it make sense to, but those subs are called what they are for a reason

I like how they act so smug at finding out this has been posted here, like it's something that they are not automatically told about

Keep your radicalism centered, and don't forget to also mock OP for caring who responds on an idiotic sub with 1mil+ subscribers.

/u/throwaway_swifty your thread is pathetic and you should feel bad, even if mods trumped you with their y'all can't behave.

Well if I should feel bad, I suppose I'd better get to work. Maybe I should talk to my spouse about my negative emotions as a result of this.

Maybe I should talk to my spouse about my negative emotions as a result of this.

Make sure you want a woman's opinion on this, not a man's, we don't want one gender talking over another!

u/nickachu_ your name sounds familiar.

Oh right, the most downvoted r/Askmen mod.

Imagine not being able to trick incels and cat ladies into thinking you're a chad, lol.


Big fan of your work.

Keep it up.

And now you're a part of it, congratulations.

He's a janitor on the internet...

How does it feel knowing a trans FtM who isn't taking any sort of testosterone supplement has higher T than you?

I remember reading you moded a dude you were fucking.

Would you be able to confirm that you do it for free?

I legitimately look forward to reading your obituary when you die from obesity 😊

Stop downvoting him retards


Imagine being such a fucking moron that anyone who dares to say that women shouldn't try and say men's own experiences are wrong is told that they're a "pretentious cunt."

We can do mean pings again??


The latest and potentially most egregious of these examples has been in the "As a guy, how do you approach your girlfriend if you need emotional support?" thread. This thread literally contains an example of a woman telling the OP to disregard advice from men, in an ask men thread.

Top comment on thread: make unintelligible whining and moaning until she asks what's wrong.

And other whiny shit

I had a hearty laugh. That sub is gay and any "man" taking it seriously enough to bitch about women in it probably had it coming.

It's also prolly the best thread to ask for a foid's advice on to be honest but he just had to bitch.

I saw that post, what a shitty response from those mods, they took your shit completely out of context.

I read the post (before it got deleted) and thought what you said was completely understandable.

Then they go and start calling you a cunt and shit for it, absolutely deplorable, response from them, at least the downvote bombing they got was something positive that came out of it.

oi you fucking bellend

What are the odds this was written by an American?

/u/nickachu_ why do you mod a sub called AskMen when men don't exist in Bongland?

"As a guy, how do you approach your girlfriend if you need emotional support?"

I think they meant boyfriend