Fun from spoiling endgame

114  2019-05-05 by CapefansSuck

Bit late for this but got my account locked and a bunch of shit but whatever, some people asked me for this so thought id post it

Lotsa horifically bad dox attempts, death threats, freakouts came from this and I still laugh at how they are nowhere close to actually figuring out where I am. Ah well

Would post more but I got around 4k messages on the acc and cba looking through them. Anyway thought some people might enjoy this so enjoy if you like seeing freaked out capeshits


Imagine being an incel.

Yeah, imagine haha


Wow, that's a lot of links! The snapshots can be found here.

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Libtard: DESTROYED 😎

how much did you cry when the final credits rolled? Be honest pls

As if your NEET ass didn't buy a ticket just to try and mess with capeshitters.

Imagine being this much of a loser.

There's a suspicious amount of "not funny" posts in this thread. Be on the lookout for any unironic capeshit fans...

yes, that aspergers guy who spent like a year making fake relationship advice threads was met with applause but apparently this guy is a loser. hes a japanese.

The difference is that this is webshit.

like Spiderman?

Even worse, web development.

hes british

Capeshit fanatics and the spergs that obssessed about them both need to be put up against the wall.

Genuinely can't decide which is worse but OPs attempt at weaponizing his autism makes me lean more towards the spergs

OP unironically did a good job w/ the trolling, but he's still caring about other people caring about shit.

Exactly, OP is absolutely losing it over being styled on by these people

“U r gey”. Absolutely BTFO OP and it hurt his feelings enough that he posted it here.

Okey fren :)

Yes, we’re laughing at you. Thank you very much.

Aww your upvote ratio doesnt seem to suggest that fren :(

Everybody here is shitting on you. Read the comments you absolute Neanderthal.

Answer my question. What is the upvote ratio. What are all the top comments? :) Should be easy. Awww did I spoil your film friend?

what is the upvote ratio

I don’t even know what that is you sperg lmfao

did I spoil your film

I watched half the movie on a pirate site while drinking

what are all the top comments

Please scroll through them, they won’t bite. All of them are calling you as austistic as capeshitters. Absolute riot.

I dont think youre reading the same comments as me friend :)

You seem really mad at me. Multiple posts on this thread. Sure youre not mad?

I shitpost here all the time because I like making fun of people who care about capeshit?

Saying “are you mad are you mad”, makes you seem like a massive poopyhead.

Its okay friend its okay.

Please keep stoking my ego I’m gonna cum.

Okay enjoy your cream sundae :)

Wait don’t stop I’m almost there 😫😫😫

Want a hand? Its lubed up

I would've been mildly annoyed had I gotten the movie spoiled, but I'm most certainly laughing with him. Imagine getting as upset as these morons did about a fucking movie getting spoiled. I went and saw the movie with friends, the point was most certainly not the movie itself, it was the social experience. It was a good movie, but not a big deal by any stretch.

horseshoe theory in a nutshell 🤔

I unironically think both OP and capeshit fans are losers here.

However, the capeshit gets didn’t bawl their eyes out and run to r/drama for condolence when they got made fun of.

Youre really mad about this arent you lmao

You’re so mad you’re literally going through my comments as I’m screenshotting these horribly sad posts.

Dude relax, you’re really turning into a lolcow yourself.

as I’m screenshotting these horribly sad posts.

Ooooh scaaaaaarrrryyyyyyyyy. Its okay friend its just a film :)

I’m screenshotting cause I need a good lol later dude. This is seriously one of the best posts I’ve seen in a while, laughing at capeshitters and spergs is equally hilarious.

You brought it all together, and you’re giving me a personal show. I’m sure you won’t stop replying anytime soon either so keep it up.


Yes friend yes. You know you want it

Friend youve gone quiet... You okay?

I have more. Its funny almost every post in this thread has been positive. Ive only seen a few negative ones. and theyre all you. Face it. Your bot farm cant defeat reality. No one likes you :)

Top post

you really are a fucking loser

Don’t try to fight it brotha. I know you’re getting angry. You even deleted your comment lmao

Yeah, they just threatened OP and tried to doxx him, collectively losing their shit like someone just killed their dog.

Yeah well he’s a pedophile who deleted his account when I called him out for it so oh well

Op didn't delete his account, though.

Can’t load his profile

He posted child pornography, to which I posted in this subreddit but it was removed by mods.

If you don’t believe me I’ll happily post screenshots of his messages with a picture of the link (not the image).

Not my fault you’ve been conversing with a pedophile lad.

I loaded the wrong guy's profile when I checked, lol.

seems like a noble effort and use of talent to me

Honestly, this is a high schooler's yelling-racial-slurs-at-the-lunch-table and everyone-thinks-he's-a-potential-shooter tier autism

Funny stuff, I actually watched it with my coworkers and couldn't even remember half of the spoilers you gave, I had completely forgot about the girl dying and captain planet stayed in the past and cucked himself by giving his shield to the black guy and not the other guy who everyone thought that would get the shield.

It was a capeshit movie with some funny bits and as expected it was as deep as a kid's pool, 4/10 would watch the Spiderman parts again.

Nobody cares how little you care about capeshit.

Actually I was just flexing my social skills on the people here since I know that 90% of you can't socialize for shit.

>everyone look at me not caring about capeshit

>hahaha j/k ur all nerds

These are the hardhitting bantz I come to arrr drama for.



Who's the other guy people thought would get the shield?

The hot guy with a fake arm, don't know his name .

The guy with the silver arm with the red star on it and the long hair?

Well I can confirm that the arm was made out of some kind of metal and that he had long hair

But I can not give you any information about what type of alloy was used in the making of the arm or if it had any communist symbol on it

Yeah but he looked a lot less gay in the movie.

Yeah, that's definitely ant man

Captain marvel?

what do you think funny means?

The reactions of the people and the fact that op thinks he is somehow better than them.

This is just sad, tbh.

The amount of time you spent on this is far sadder than any capeshitter getting mad at spoilers

this is why we need mayocide. As soon as possible.

Imagine thinking that Chad coder writing app for his and our amusement is sad

Closeted capeshitter out

5 minute script btw :)

Ironman btw

That’s 5 minutes that you could have been spending posting bussy.

black widow btw

That blue robot girl btw

This is clearly the work of a Caucasoid.

Did you do it with a single account or auto create new ones?

u are a loser for spending so much time for doing this. the people who got angry about it are losers for caring about something, especially since its about capeshit.

"caring about shit is stupid"

The only unifying sentiment on this sub, tbh.

Capeshitters invading this sub, smh. This is hilarious fam.


lots of seething here

What part of


don't you understand?

Problem is the possibility of actual capeshitters here are pretending not to care while shitting on OP.

That's not a problem at all. Let the capeshitters come and clash with the capehaters.

What can you do hey. They failed to dox me so this is all they can do :)

Be careful of /u/matt123hihat he seems to be very angry :(

fix the links dumbass its very tedious to klick them individually

Click any one at random to see OP seething at being outsperged

Youre really fucking mad arent you lmao. Youre all over this thread. Dont forget I know what you accessed you disgusting paedo

Doesn't even work with a hover zoom extension. OP is bonafide retarded for this reason and this reason only. Could've just copy/pasted all the files into an imgur album.

Absolute legend o7

I know people here are shitting on you for going full autismo on this but it was really funny. These fuckin nerds got ridiculously mad about a basic bitch popcorn movie, its beyond fucking pathetic. I almost wish there were some Harry Potter movies you could spoil lol

You could never tell this is the same sub that praised an autist writing up theeads upon threads for relationship advice to the point he was thinking the shit up in class

Bans cant kick in fast enough for these seriousposters

Eh I pissed a lot of people off. What can you do lmao. They follow me everywhere

this man is potentialy the most based poster here in a while... he needs approvalcel status asap

The salary comment?

You’re really bad at formatting spoilers. They should be short and should present the information in such a way that the reader doesn’t have time to think about the sentence they’re reading before it’s too late

Your spoilers read like the plot section on the film’s Wikipedia page

That aside, nice job

Did you do it all off one account?

1k comments per minute posted from 1 account without getting "you're doing that too much. try again in 10 minutes"?

using pms not comments

Guessing it has to be on a used account to avoid the not a robot button. Unless you've beat google

yeah you can see his account in the screenshot, it had around 4k karma and a few months so it didnt trigger that, reddits spam filter is garbage, just a few keywords/sites you cant use and as long as you have enough positive karma you wont trigger

Fun fact. Not a robot button didnt exist till after I did this :)

I always get it on new accounts. Have they added it to everyone now or something?

Yup. Didnt exist before I did this. They implemented it the second I got banned. But hey I got a work around all is good.

Pms. Didnt have a rate limit. They implemented one now. But I got a new method which works just as well so hey stay tuned

Wow epic dude you went out seeking for people to be angry at you and now that they are you whine to r/drama. Fuck off

He’s sharing his trolling bounty you dipshit, nowhere in the post is OP crying.

Trolling bounty


Maximum cringe, also his entire post is him whining about people harassing him because he decided to be a dick.

maximum cringe

Maximum cringe

spoil capeshit

get death threats

wow Im getting death threats over spoiling capeshit


Lmao. Thats you btw ^

I can't imagine being this much of a worthless faggot.

You don't have to imagine things when they're real


Can you post these on Imgur? Thanks.

What's with the guy talking about accusing you of child porn or something?

Ah just random. Cant beat em accuse em of CP. Same as women accusing you of rape over nothing


Dont really wanna click that since im at work

He posted CP

👌 Excellent work.

love the commitmental buddy.


are you /u/bubby963v2?

Lol ty for this

If you want to avoid spoilers visit another website. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Objectively, as an unbiased third party who is totally not into superhero movies, you are a loser and it's sad that you did this" -Everyone in this thread

Unironically this

What can yer do. I pissed a lot of people off. I get actual death threats but "youre the hurt one cos you posted this thread for validation or something". Fucking hell lmao. Anyway I dont care. I aint part of this community. Only posted here cos some users asked me too.

I liked it. It was a good thread. It just got overrun by closeted Marvel fans posing as "cool" r/drama posters who just organically think you're a loser

Haha well glad you enjoyed it. In general the response was positive here judging by the upvotes and comments here so will post here again next time I do this with my new method.

But honestly reading the comments its v obvious some pissed off capeshit lurkers are hiding. Youll notice the same names popping up in multiple places. Just as you say, magically a bunch of people with no posting history here suddenly decided to all show up at once. And even then got outnumbered in votes lmao. Sadddd. Dont worry, I dont do this for karma I hate reddit. Next time I do this itll be posted here again and they can cry and whinge all they want it wont go away. So look forward to that

Yeah I think you should use the same method every time a big nerd movie comes out

Oh will do

Btw be aware of /u/matt123hihat hes literally all over this thread defending capeshit and getting super triggered. Very obvious operative. Not even hidden lmao

You keep pinging me and I’m gonna think you wanna fuck frfr😉

Get a load of this guy’s comment history. A real genuine lolcow come to pay us respects.

A “lolcow” haha that’s a pretty funny term to use here in the year 2007

The guy’s a pedophile. Idk what you’d call him man.

This is kino. Capeshit fans OUT OUT OUT

Absolutely based

OP you are the faggot here

Start up a new minecraft server and then kill yourself in that game of minecraft please.

hey /u/C5Studios You are a fucking faggot lol

Ok.. your point here?

ur a faggot lol... “im going to post this to reddit and expose you,” faggot ass.

Oh you saw that, huh. Ok. Don’t really fucking care. Chill your ass out. I would appreciate it if you stopped slurring at me as well. Don’t say shit like that if you don’t know what it means.

Get slurred on faggot


Jon kills Danaerys

Thank you for your service 🙏

Good stuff OP, this is how it’s done. Ignore the stupid fag comments, they’re just mad that they weren’t smart enough to come up with a script like that.

Eh fuck em lmao. I literally have a posse following me everywhere. They followed me to fucking voat. Theyre mad now and swarming. What can yer do

Blessed autism, OP. I wish I thought of doing this but I just didn't care about Endgame that much. I ended up seeing it with family and it was as shitty as I expected.

Yo what are the spoilers though? I wanna save money on a ticket.

Wow, after reading some of those interactions I'm convinced people who obsess over capeshit and the wyrms who seethe over that obsession to the point of doing something like this will share a gas chamber. Extremism isn't fucking cute in any form, folks.

This is magnificent OP

dramatards making fun of this guy for spending so much time spoiling capeshit.

the guy may be retarded but he's causing drama, wtf is wrong with u people

Doing G-d’s work, son