/r/freefolk somehow manages to get triggered about the Game of Thrones ending before it comes out

28  2019-05-05 by uniqueguy263


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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yall should read the resetera thread on this, they are melting the fuck down because the ending doesn't score enough social justice points.

Wait, Resetera reads spoilers? They sound like the type of people that would be terrified of them

I think GoT has been pretty overrated from the beginning, but the show would take a huge boost in my eyes if Dany actually ends up going Mad Queen and getting nae-naed by Jaime. That would be a good ending and would also piss off those types to no end.

All the Yass Kweans die and all the white males take power.

Beautiful. At this point that would be the only thing that subverts my expectations.

Lol the long white dick of the patriarchy strikes back

That’s the most fitting ending. I always thought the point of GoT was to subvert fantasy stories. An ending where the ultimate evil, the northern albinoid devil race wins would be perfect.

First three books were dope. Never got much into the show though.

Seasons 1-4 were good. After that they ran out of source material and it became fanfiction.

It would spit in the eye of everyone who thought the go nowhere subplot would be saved at the end

Dany goes full mad queen and Jon goes full Queen slayer and then gets exiled up north. The remaining Lords and w/e, who are mostly white dudes rule the kingdom.

Link me you fuck!!!

If the leaks come true then I predict dragoncel drama will be the best drama of the year as they realise rather than being some fantasy epic all they got was capeshit with rape.

There'll be suicide hotlines posted to /r/asoiaf


This may be the saltiest event of the year, beyond even if Trump gets fully cleared or actually impeached.

I'd say this is funnier because at some point it becomes just sad to look at /r/politics like animals in a zoo.

What if Cersei gets impeached?

Can we get reelection immediately followed by impeachment for maximum overdrama?

I don't watch this show, can someone gimme a tl;dr on the outrage?

Children upset over what they thought a children's show should turn out like.

Ffs, duh, I get that.

What did they think the show would be like?

LOTR with tits and incest

I quite like LOTR and got the impression GOT/ASOFAI was nothing like it.

LOTR = Mr Smith Goes to Washington

Dragonrapeshit = that new House of Cards series with Keyser Söze

I don't watch noncecore either. Why can't you fatties talk in anything but pop culture references?

Excuse me? Mr Smith Goes to Washington is a classic! A classic!

Also I'm more of a dadbod than a fatty?

Tolkien had more talent in his pinkie than Martin's entire fat self but GOT fans literally thought this

Search for LOTR on their subreddits and read the delusions yourself

I literally just want a tl;dr on this shitty franchise, why are you all being so weird and evasive?

What is else worth saying? You want more details go on their subs and find the spergs who will do it for free


IDK the synopsis I only read the first four books and then realised he was never going to finish it so I stopped caring.

At the point I stopped though there were two major dynasties that had been vying for power in a mystical realm, one of them got BTFO and scattered to the four corners and the whole epic tale was that family consolidating their power and taking back what was theirs.

But also the OTHER dynasty starts imploding due to internal power struggles, and then there's some dragons and blue skinned people or something.

I'm gonna seriouspost here, and follow up on your question. Both the middle earth compendium and the game of thrones saga are supposed to be considered, in the literary world "high" or "epic" fantasy. A specific subset of literature. Problem is, that got is really bad, poorly written and not even close to any of the other greats within the genre. Tolkien really set the stage, and his prose and poetry within his books set the high mark, and many others are very good, but marten is basically a hack who hbo picked up his story just to make money.

LOTR is the gold standard, and got is like wiping your ass with sandpaper.

I can't believe it. They really didn't give a fuck this season and just burned the entire story down on the way out.

well yea they got three spin offs for you buddy they want you to come back for more

The night king was fucking useless

[plots holes to be filled in by one of the three spin off shows]

Dany goes mad and jon kills her

[plots holes to be filled in by one of the three spin off shows]

Missandie is beheaded

lmao bottom text gotta find a way for danny to kill tyrion but spare jamie

Jamie probably betrays everyone and goes back to being evil since the dragon and Missandie thing is real.

jamie was never evil

Just what the fuck D&D?

these guys don't own the IP; they don't have free reign to do as they please

Wait isn't stuff in that supposed leak.already disproven by the last episode? Didn't melissasandra not get beheaded? I don't watch it.