I got a very rude message from the r/ChapoTrapHouse mods...

729  2019-05-05 by Momruepari



I expect a PK tweet slamming CTH Nazis next.

oh damn

lmao does that subreddit have an official twitter handle

Yes lol

I was never a huge fan of the sub but now I actually hate it.


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wow i cant believe they would do a micro-aggression like this!!

banning me from using the sub was not OK...

Stfu nigger

Thank you for your service

Any time boss

o7 braver than our tslurs

Can we setup the automod to do this?

Stunning and brave.

maybe they truly are the dirtbag socialists

Can we really call the n-word in an insulting manner a micro-aggression?

Lmao nice one ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Honestly Chapo users just need to be more intersectional and realize racism isn't ok.

Maybe it was a Mod of Color though.

lmfao aint no black people hanging out in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. They barely even have women. It's just white dudes and unconvincing trannies

So just mayo dudes?

Bingo ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜Ž

mayo dudes in dresses

The mayonnaise male in a dress is not a "tranny," he is simply revealing his true form. All mayo men are docile, submissive and feminine in nature. Any display of masculinity is merely a performance. Only the Brown King can experience true masculinity. This is why liberal men, the most tolerable of the mayo male as he has accepted his true nature, participate in "cucking" culture with beautiful Black Men and Men of Color. This is simply caucausian men accepting the true order of things.


Based and kangpilled


That would be possible if you considered pasty white a color

no pass was presented and my house exploded. done for malicious purposes

That just doesnโ€™t make sense. CTH would never say the N word.

Yes they would. They pride themselves on being "the dirtbag left" and they think it's bad when T_D does it but quirky and kewl when they do it because of their tranny pass or whatever

Cth the dirtbag left? Lol?

I don't understand it either. But some things you just gotta live with

Unless...LANDLORDS. I should have known it was them!

We've discovered their master plan

Implying black people go on chapo ๐Ÿ™„


Thank Allah I got to live long enough to see Chapotards make the full transition into unironic racists and anti-Semites

Imagine commenting this many times in a single thread

I give them a month before theyโ€™re posting hand rubbing memes.

Don't they already argue that Stalin's gulags weren't ackshually that bad?

They wanna question the 6 million number so badly yall

They seem to vacillate between gulags weren't real, gulags were justified, and not real communism.

You mean the- yeah sorry I was gonna become an MDEfugee for a little bit there.

They used the hard r ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


In my accent it's impossible to say it with a hard r, does that mean I can say it?


Serious question: If you actually put effort into it, can you put an R at the end of a word? Does it feel weird if you do?

Well yeah but then it just sounds American or some other rhotic accent.

It does feel weird though, it seems like too much effort to pronounce the r at the end of every word.

Are you British? Because if i say it then it also just sounds like an American accent.






Horseshoe theory.

is this your alt u/DistortedLines?


Ngl that has a lot less trussy and girl dick than expected

Wtf i love chapotards now

Reported for copying me ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The amount of people falling for a momruepari meme is staggering.

Don't they realize this sort of thing is really problematic

Weird. I thought I was the only one who got this

Nope. They've attacked all of us. ๐Ÿ˜”

Why they gotta do my boy Momruepari like that.

/u/blahblahblahdkjdfgj /u/Ohmiglob /u/mugrimm

What did they mean by this? ๐Ÿค”

/u/blahblahblahdkjdfgj /u/Ohmiglob /u/mugrimm

What did they mean by this? ๐Ÿค”

They report to admins after they ban you too. One time I got a site wide ban for a couple days for saying the only reason Amber is a socialist is because she is extremely ugly

Okay, that actually is unironically epic.

I thought they hated cops

Only when they're not tattling to them.

No one screams for the cops faster than an Antifa chick who just saw a dude in a MAGA hat at her gay Portland battle LARP

the only reason Amber is a socialist is because she is extremely ugly

lmaooooo it looks like even her Rapist-American woke boyfriends don't wanna smash


To be honest, I'm surprised that she's less hairy than all three of the guys. Usually there's one baby-faced hairless man-child in a bunch.

You always struck me as a rightie, Cirque. Iโ€™m surprised you keep up with Chapo twitter

Well, I just searched images for his name to find that.

Jesus Christ, they're both fucking uggos. That's some horseshoe theory fugliness.

Wait. These are the people behind Chapo Trap House?


Were you picturing like Henry Cavill and Gigi Hadid here?

If anything they're less barbaric basement creatures than one could expect. Like if you've seen any of the average Portland protesters you'd know it could be even fucking worse.

bruh howtf is that sitewide bannable


I got a site wide 3 day ban for saying something about commies and free helicopter rides, I think the admins are pretty sensitive

Admins need to take you up on your helicopter rides imo

Have you seen the picture of the admins... It all makes sense once you do.

as long as its reported anything mildly offensive can you get banned, even things that arent offensive get you banned

CTH seems to have some sway with the site even though they always talk about how they will get banned soon while the admins let them brigade the whole site and celebrate Chris Dorner killing the children of cops

So another SRS situation

Have some fun with the babes: http://ceoq.l5dusnkq.org/touq282h/

Aint clicking that shit cracka

"Anti-Evil Operations" take their jobs very seriously.

Imagine being an adult who thinks they're fighting evil by janitoring online forums

at least they are getting paid

It's arguably worse. At least DoItForFreecels can just do something else. "Anti-Evil Operations" have to wake up at 6am, drive for hours through traffic in San Francisco (or sit on a train next to masturbating bums), dodge human feces on the sidewalk, then get paid dogshit to sift through the dumbest posts on one of the dumbest sites on the internet. They also attend meetings that are somehow more completely useless and boring that your typical office meetings; meetings about Reddit. Literally imagine your only worthwhile contribution to the human race is to be a bottom-tier social media admin in one of the worst cities in America. Imagine having a fucking boss who tells you to delete posts and ban users on Reddit holy Christ. Imagine getting written up for not deleting posts on /r/drama hahahaha

I thought it was because she is trans?

Wait shes trans i thought she was just ugly

Usually thereโ€™s a lot of overlap

They hated you because you told the truth. ๐Ÿ˜”

Not going to lie I was tempted to ban you myself for what you said about Amber.

Babes just don't become socialists they are cool with the status quo.

I got banned because I said 40% of chapos kill themselves. Very "dirtbag" of them.

lol only an ugly admin would ban for this.

Whoa hard r, wonder what spez dispenser thinks about this? Oh wait who cares?

Spez is probably sick of everyoneโ€™s shit by now and a true radical centrist


Iโ€™m shocked on your behalf. Gentlemen and any decent chap would never resort to such vulgar retorts.

Rise above it momruepari and design a fitting meme to mark the occasion.


woah you cant say that on reddit

๐Ÿด ๐Ÿ‘ž

Now post this this AHS grab some popcorn and watch the struggle session.

Won't be any struggle, they will lock / delete the thread.

I would've expected something like this from the Drama mods, but even they haven't sent me anything this crude and vulgar.

They've been accepting posts about that sub, lately. I think even ahs is getting tired of their shit

Well he was right, I don't see the issue

It makes sense, Chapo is 1/2 depressed white dudes and the other half are depressed white dudes who will kill themselves 40% of the time.

stfu nigger

Sad face

Mate you ๐Ÿ‘‹it with a hard ยฎ๏ธ



Just leaving this here, don't mind me. ๐Ÿด๐Ÿ‘ž

Just a reminder that ChapoTrapHouse mods are sexually predatory.

Male feminism

It's not "male feminist" it's "Rapist-American," please be respectful. The pronouns are ouch/no/stop

And it's not even the good kind of predatory. They predate women๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข and not men๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.

That subreddit is full of hypocrites. Heard about it months ago, browsed for a few hours, came across some of the most hateful and racist statements Iโ€™ve seen on Reddit. Crazy to see things havenโ€™t changed, especially with the mass quarantines.

Wow report to admins for racism

What do you expect from a bunch of commies?

That wasn't very nice of them to say.

stfu nigger

Mods gay

I hope you replied with "bussy lmfao".

Chapotraphouse is a shit sub with shit mods in it

holy shit he used the gamer word