Moldy cucumbers are flying everywhere when a clickbait article about vegetables gets f-slur mayos arguing about calories, cancer, veganism, religion and more!

18  2019-05-05 by Bitter-As-Fuck



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That comment section is pretty good. I love the "Askshually cancer can't grow in an alkaline state so educate yourself sweetie it might save your life" bits

Especially after accusing the other person of being a doctor no less!

It's not so much how impressively wrong they are, it's more how absolutely confident they are in their delusions

The boomer christcel rant was a thing to behold.

Respect the Precise and Faithful Clockwork Planetary System, heathen!

"Askshually cancer can't grow in an alkaline state so educate yourself sweetie it might save your life"

Apparently neural connections can't form in an alkaline state either.

You must be a money hungry doctor and want us smart healthy people to believe you and stay unhealthy to keep your pockets full, but we wont!!!! You must regulate an alkaline level within to stay cancer free. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. Do some research…could save your life!!!

God made the Universe and he made the Precise and Faithful Clockwork Planetary System. And God made Earth. With the best soil and the best Earthly Grown Food. All provided by him, our Creator and Our God. Atleast what “Us,” Humans can do for the Boss, Our Creator, and Our Faithful Friend, is to eat right, for God Sakes. Stay Trim and look like a beautiful human and not like a bad role model for society. Eat the low calorie foods which are grown and not killed. Sorry, people, I am a Vegetarian. I feel the paid of killed God Creatures. And the Narrow Gate of Heaven is only for those who are justly chosen to enter without being ticketed. Soil Grown Foods grow back with our Christian Help and Wisdom. But his Creatures are being violated by self serving, evil, hateful, and sinful inferior species, “Us,” Humans. They, who are far superior to “Us,” Humans have a God Given Right To Eat Without Sin. Atleast we can evolve into Vegetarians and obtain his “Intended Grace For Us, and not to look like a bunch of ungrateful slobs. Meantime, Our World Is In Big Big Trouble, Thanks to “Us,” Humans.

I’m confused. I did not realize that the man in the sky was on earth, creating all the vegetables and meats to feed us. I thought animals and farmers did that. Wow. So that’s where the sky man has been all along. There have been some days where I didn’t even get food in my life, but I suppose he was on holiday or something (everyone needs one.) I guess if I prayed harder he may make some extra food and distribute it evenly (and not give so much to Kim Davis because she should probably cut back- same for Josh Duggar and Mike Huckabee’s son.) Maybe that is why they believe in him so much- because he gives them bigger and better portions of food. Now we need to educate all of those starving children in Africa about Him, our Lord Farmer and Food Maker, so that they, too, can be fed well. I am already vegetarian but I am vegetarian- not just for animals- because I was born with two heart conditions, a chronic illness, and thyroid disorder. Eating vegetarian has helped me with them more than anything else. But, I suppose if I pray to our Lord Farmer he will help me, too? Or did he give me these conditions because I sinned before I was born? I’m confused again.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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If only he'd lowered his pH by eating lemons. :(

Joann: I have questions how do I get them answerwed

Yep it’s mayo mom time 😎

You just noticed the skin color

I mean that forehead is pretty distracting.