Actual footage of a brave drama poster going into /r/ChapoTrapHouse to defend the radical center

20  2019-05-06 by lovestobopit



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Meh, pretty standard. Him saying “my president” was a good attempt, but she didn’t bite. Not much drama.

I dunno about that kween, I think "take your meds" "I AM ON MY MEDS, YOU'RE LUCKY I'M ON MY MEDS!" is pretty spicy

That was. But then it died down. They both showed too much restraint despite their seething hatred.

Okay. I concede. It’s drama. Just not enough to take me there. Carry on.

She bit on that line. Look at her face as she then mutters “fuck you” under her breath. If the video kept going we’d see some serious S E E T H I N G.

You’re right. That was kinda funny. But more of a tasty morsel than a full dramatic moment.

Wish the video was longer.

That was a woman?

Good point. “They”

Dat twitter account tho:

Metal/Punk 2A ProLife Catholic.

Do those really go together?

Loving Christ is the most rock'n roll of all

Jesus was legit. I love anarho-jesus!

There were some unironically good hardcore bands that strayed into or came out of christcuckland. The Chariot and Zao both come to mind, but there's a handful of others that at least flirted with Jeebus.

The guilt is real.