Whatever happened to /u/BigPriceToupee?
3 2019-05-06 by dootwthesickness_II
He was one of my favorite boomerposters. You could practically smell the Bengay and the soiled Depends every time he commented.
3 2019-05-06 by dootwthesickness_II
He was one of my favorite boomerposters. You could practically smell the Bengay and the soiled Depends every time he commented.
1 rsrfy 2019-05-06
They stopped posting not long after this. Maybe related?
1 dootwthesickness_II 2019-05-06
lmao what was he banned for? /u/annoysthegoys as my mole on the mod team, please spill the beans.
1 Nom_Chompy 2019-05-06
IIRC he would slip in some kys comments here and there. Not sure if he ever got a permaban for it.