Need some financial advice regarding a potential investment.

7  2019-05-06 by Wheretheflowersgrew

from TalesOfDull sent 1 minute ago Hello wheretheflowersgrew

I'm a sports arber from Portugal.

Hear me out before making odd assumptions please.

I'm looking for small investors (keyword: small) to work with me.

Anything as low as 150€

I'm offering double the money per month up to 5k invested.

Meaning that if you invest 150 bucks, at the end of the month you got 300. If you decide to reinvest those 300, they will become 600, again if you decide to reinvest, it'll become 1200. And in 3 months you would have turned 150 into 1200. The double offer goes up untill 5k.

Anything higher than that, my offer is 4% per week over capital invested.

If you know anything about sports arbitrage, you will know it's nothing more than taking advantage of the discrepancies of the odds in various betting websites.

Wonderfully legal and particularly not too hard to do.

Like i said, the capital invested can be really small if you don't mind waiting a couple of months for some hard capital.

If you got any questions or want to know more, shoot a message back.

Got instagram and telegram if you prefer talking there.



Forget about that loser. I'll tell you what, I'll triple the money per month up to 10k invested. If you know anything about drama arbitrage, you will know it's nothing more than taking advantage of the discrepancies of the drama in various subreddits. Payment will be in dramacoin of course.

Tbh the Portuguese thing always rubbed me the wrong way aren't they just a poorer Spain which is already poor.

Where are you from?

Most likely the scammers in Portugal and this is how he makes his living.

I'm from aussieland btw.

Haha yeah me too.

lol gay

It’s free money