It's TIME for another alt-mayo COPEfest

16  2019-05-06 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. This Post -,,,

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Looks like the divide between approved and unapproved cels.

Why use an alt for this post when u/FeeFeelsWarrior is so obviously you?

delete this

It's over for Boer-cels

And that's a good thing.

VoteEFF 8 May.

It was over for them in 1902.

Lmao @ a white South African denying that white South Africans are privileged over blacks

R u ok?