Atheist going crazy just because Muslims fast

140  2019-05-06 by Tcryer


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Lmaoing@everyonewhodoesntfast fasting when done in moderate amounts builds will power and lowers risk of diabetes not to mention helps you lose weight. May Allah put a plague of obesity on everyone who post on /r/atheism

Fasting and intermittent fasting are great ways to also detox and clean your intestines while also being a great way to lose fat.

You feel great after fasting, it's reinvigorating. Of course working out and building character is not things you'd expect the retards over at /r/atheism to do.

Detoxing is made up lmao

It isn't. Have you ever gone on an intermittent fast?

source is a guy who writes mom science articles

I can keep posting articles this shit's easy to find

Wow congrats you posted an article that barely mentions fasting. When it does it gives an unclear description of what kind of fasting. This leads me to believe you just cited the first thing you googled.

Effects of short term fasting on the gut aka "cleanse"

The many effects of long term fasting

That's not really detoxing. Detoxing is the bullshit idea that your body is full of 'toxins' that need to be purged. Your body does that by itself.

It appears we have to different defenitions of detoxing, well I am glad I had this game of intellectual game of chess with you kind Redditor. Perhapes we shall meet again one more time in the battlefield of wits.

Love watching retards argue semantics in my favorite subreddit, r/drama

For me detoxing was always a term synonymous with cleansing through fasting. Guess I should just stick with cleanse then.

mom science articles

LMAO I’m gonna start using that one

I wasn't talking about detox diets though or even detox as is described in that article. I was talking about fasting detoxing your intestines.

Intestinal detox is also bs

Fasting helps immensely in cleansing your intestines by reducing/killing harmful bacteria, heal intestinal damage or even help in removing parasites. For me "detoxing" means just this, nothing to do with diets or anything that has hijacked the term.

You got some sources for that, because, usually whenever you get rid of 'harmful' bacteria in your gut you are actually nuking everything including the good bacteria. This fucks up the shit ecosystem.

I found this. Link Link Link

This is how we know you're a fucking retard.

It's what popped up on google. I didn't take the time to look deep into it.

Like I said...

Look at some of my previous comments

No such thing as detoxing.

Read my comments below. My view of detoxing is not the detox diet pseudo-scientific crap but in the sense of cleansing your intestines. Which is actually scientifically proven.

Uh huh.

LMAO the only thing you need to do to detox is have a liver. You probably stick healing crystals up your ass too.

You probably stick healing crystals up your ass too.

Oh is that wrong? Where am I supposed to stick my magic crystals?


You're thinking of contacts.

No u. I'm not THAT retarded.

You believe in """""DETOX""""""" so you have to be, at bare minimum, that retarded.

Read my other comments sweaty. I meant detox as in cleanse from fasting not the your body has toxins you need to get them out or else u get cancer kind of detox.

This doesn't make you any less retarded or wrong.

Well shit

LMAO the only thing you need to do to detox is have a liver. You probably stick healing crystals up your ass too.

You believe in detox, too. I think one of your ass crystals is out of place and you are cranky.

No I believe that part of your luver's purpose is to remove and metabolize toxic substances.

Which is the same thing Foidblaster said, but you called them retarded. Just have a good poop, honey, you'll feel so much better.

You're an idiot.

lmao post bussy, honey. Get your girlfriend's bull to take the pic for you.

My girlfriend is vegan. She doesn't believe in cows.

Tell us how much you weigh hun

Needing to detox to not be a fatty lmao

Sorry this isnt /r/twoxchromosomes

Not “detoxing” exactly, but fasting likely induces autophagy.

Fasting more than 12 hrs straight for more than a month, in order to honor a made-up story is totally ok.

Oh I agree with you, I was just defending the fact that fasting, when done properly and responsibly, is a great thing for your body.

shut up, fat ass

Why do you care what other people eat?

I dont, but I find it idiotic when they fast because of a fairy tale.

>eat just one meal a day


How fucking American do you have to be to starve if not shoving food in for face for 10 hours? Reminder that disciplined fasting + cardio is the GOAT

i had to fast 3 days for a doctor appointment and was fine, these people likely cant even go 4 hours without food

Did you eat any sugars for those days or was it all food full stop?

all food, had to take this really bad drink that made me shit though

What was it for?

had some gut infection so they needed to shove a camera up my mouth and bussy to see

Cardio? You chicken-legged motherfucker. I have never, and will never, run in my entire life. I have no need to because I fear nothing. What fear do you hold in your heart?

When I don't eat for a few hours my opioids end up tasting better.


Imagine being that edgy


What're his views on intermittent fasting ?

Lol I literally just brought this up.

Can’t spell Martin Berkhan without “Khan.”

Yes but you see in that moment he was euphoric...

This reminds to check r/fasting later for Muslim drama because they love going in there around Ramadan to cry about it.

I wanna know who the fuck is using r/atheism in 2019

The Satanic Temple are basically the Westboro Baptists of atheists, without any protesting of the homosexuals.


Lol they already have a thread dabbing on Muslims in /r/fasting

Muslims don’t drink, and doing LeanGains is literally a religious requirement for them. Imagine what an athletic powerhouse the Muslim world would be if you could somehow get them to fucking quit smoking.

And they have that natural mong strength from all the inbreeding.

Those are just the south asians

Can I get a source on that

Isn't it only logical for people to binge after fasting? Seems like Muslims would be fat, if they had food.

Mate, they are pretty well represented in strength sports. The problem mostly is the middle east is pretty in turmoil. Iran is one of the pillers of Greco-Roman Wrestling and Olympic Weightlifting.

Wrestling is actually pretty huge in Iran. That was one of the main things that Iranians were worried about losing whenever Iran temporarily reciprocated the American savages Muslim ban.

uhh it looks like he's mad because they fuck with people who DON'T fast

link it

Atheists are disgusting vice-filled hedonists. Aside from the religious aspects, fasting builds mental toughness that atheists completely lack.

Oof light theme.

I can smell you from here you incel.

But my precious eyes.


Dude flying spaghetti Monster lmao

More Atheists should fast

Atheism doesn’t need a sub.

Is god real? No? K I’m gonna go do some other stuff with my time spent not repenting.

Instead you just get these walls of text about how fucked religion is. It’s like how MGTOW constantly talks about women despite the fact it should be a bunch of asexual dudes whittling birds out of scrap lumber.

religion is a waste of time!

wastes time shitposting about religion


Who cares about that!! There’s a capeshit spoiler below. Based and capepilled

I played basketball against a muslim today and he said he was fasting and there was literally nothing he could do to stop me from getting buckets on him.

allahu snackbar

starving themselves

yeah nah, our people usually gain weight every Ramadan cuz they eat so much when it’s time to break fast

There are millions who go hunger every day, even obese Americans, and Muslims have the audacity to choose not to eat for a few hours?!?


subbed to capeshit

This whole post is bait, right?

Tbh it's a retarded fast. They pig out on whatever they can after the sun goes down. Pussy asses can't even starve themselves properly.