Red Pill the Children

61  2019-05-06 by WarSanchez


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I thought Voodoo Donuts was the current obsession for pizzagaters?

God I wish


Rats are smart. Smart enough to be the model organism for learning. They have personality. They remember you and look forward to your fruit loops or cocaine you give them while training them for your experiment. They're friendly, never bite, and are often brought home from the lab as pets. You genuinely feel bad giving them cancer, killing them to slice up their organs, or for toxicity tests. But Chuck is a motherfucking mouse. You never feel bad killing them or giving them cancer or Alzheimer's. You don't think about them differently than you think about a fly or C. elegans. Actually you are glad there's one fewer mouse on the planet.

reminds me of my exwife

Based and Skavenpilled.

Subvert the Man-Thing youth, yes-yes!

