/r/unpopularopinion has a pedo sympathy thread with 2000+ up votes. Plenty of pedo defenders and people arguing.

50  2019-05-06 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Sorry to burst your bubble but it is 2019 pedophilia is perfectly natrual bigot.

I didn't know you were a libertarian

a libertarian male feminist



DarqWolff can't keep getting away with this

Isn't he an ephebocel?

This is one of the few actual unpopular opinions on that sub.

To add to it, people who like loli and pedos are two separate groups. Not that there's no overlap, but one doesn't automatically imply the other. I am extremely into loli stuff, but haven't got the slightest interest in actual children. Lolis are drawn to be all cute and stuff, while children in reality are ugly annoying little brats. Doesn't stop people from calling me a pedo even though they're wrong, but I like to give people the correct info anyways.

😆😆😆and they’re a gamer🤣🤣🤣

What's the difference between a gamer and a pedo?


What's the difference between a male feminist and a gamer?

A male feminist will only rape adult women.

Feminists gamers tho

Unironically, hide your kids, hide your wife, they're raping everybody!

Reddit is more accepting of pedophiles and furries than classy foot fetishists like myself.

Let that sink in. God I hate this site.

Well considering a lot of power mods are furries and another one is a creeper who lured kids to give them hormones, is it any surprise?

Foot fetish is somehow worse.

All the above should be lined up against a wall and shot. Well, just the pedos now that I think about it. The furries and footfags should be shamed out of existence.

Fucking libertarians


The year is 2060. Technology has allowed us to roll back our biological age to as low as 5 years old while still allowing us to retain our mental faculties. There is now no real way to tell whether or not porn is cp or just an age reversed granny.

Australian redditors laugh as the rest of the world has to deal with new moral quandaries and inconsistent laws.

I love pedos


I don’t disagree with the /r/unpopularopinion op tho lol

/u/trappysaruh your club member is over here calling pedos brave.

the idea of 'getting help' is fucking stupid it isnt difficult to not fuck kids and if you think otherwise you're just lying and are trying to be a pedo

Imagine saying this opinion out loud in public...

What's wrong with her post history?

Pedos aren't even hiding anymore they just hang around weebshit boards.