Clown sighting on /r/stupidpol today

19  2019-05-06 by dootwthesickness_II


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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Good question

đŸ€Ą world is cryptofascist now? Leftoids always take the 4chan bait.

Honk Honk

Unironically jamming to this right now

Jammin’ in the name of the Lord đŸŽ¶ đŸŽ¶ đŸŽ¶

Inshallah brother

damn thats good shit

I’m with angry dude, MDEgenerates, /pol/tards and autrighters of all stripes are a disease - a parasitic infestation that will consume it’s hosts and turn them into rotten fleshy husks if left unchecked. They must be eradicated on sight.

I used to think that a few MDEgenerates might be necessary for immune responses in order to keep wokescolds away, but now I think the wokescolds might stay away on their own if normal, healthy dramanauts just type “retard” often enough.

Like a real vaccine, we would need to sterilize the few we allow in genpop.

lmao imagine being this impotently angry at vague political ideas you cant even articulate

Hey man.

I like your flair.

i bet you do lol

What’s there to articulate? They’re a bunch of autists who are driven by some of the world’s stupidest conspiracy theories.

if you get angry at td or mde or ca or whatever right wing boogeyman then youre dumb and they outplayed you sorry

some of the world’s stupidest conspiracy theories.

lmao they think russians hacked an election and gamergate secretly radicalized everyone into nazis via pewdiepie coded messages

Man id love to get pegged rn

They're not boogeymen they're just retards that take their half baked political opinions way too seriously. Most of them genuinely blame their life's failures and miseries on jews/sjws/feminism.

Most of them genuinely blame their life's failures and miseries on jews/sjws/feminism.

could have just said jews dude bit redundant

It’s almost the same thing with lefties really. It’s just that if you throw around enough slurs the lefties will flee, but most subs have either a filter on slurs or a janny will ban you for saying faggot, so on heavily moderated subreddits the leftist fungus is allowed to grow

I really don't get why that argument went on so long smdh.

Me neither but who am I to judge how people spend their Mondays?

Stupidpol is gonna become CTH or KIA at some point and it is leaving me rather vexed.

As long as the mods keep each side in balance I don’t think it’s in any imminent danger.

Don't make me do stuff.

Their walls will hold.

Enjoy it while you can

Shit tier memes =/= cryptofacist dogwhistle bliff bluff buzzword

I say this in the thread but fuck it it's worth repeating. Don't take the morons' bait, morons

Yeah, ppl are p selective about this too. Loads of people use the "wtf I hate x now" meme despite the fact it was a /pol/ meme literally about defending Hitler.

Yeah but clownworld is used alml exclusively by poltards and MDEfugees. Maybe it'll become 'mainstream" but not.

Nah honkler is pretty mainstream already

Is he? He's popular with my cambo friend and my paddy friend but they're both pretty conservative. Maybe I'm just out of touch? 😔

Honkler inst shit tier

51 Ways to Make the World Less Hostile to Fat People

Consider that we might actually like our bodies. Yes, really. Imagine that.

This is not possible.

Hes not wrong but —god forbid, the fuck is a cryptofascist?

A fascist who got woke on the JQ after seeing how the Jews control bitcoin