Retard Britbong politician Stella Creasey invokes the name of Bouddica (a retard thot who got destroyed by the Roman Army) against wimmin hating trolls.

12  2019-05-07 by SheAndMeHarmony


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Tweet started normal and then it degenerated into "oi loicense to fap guvna ah wanna Brexit innit"

i would say something about girl power but then I remembered the subrace of humans known as texans are dumb enough to commemorate a battle where they lost, complete with being gullible enough to believe an apocryphal detail where some hero literally wrapped in an american flag around his whole body dramatically falls off the wall of the fort and dies. or the fence jumper-americans below the border celebrating the battle where napoleon kicked their ass. this seems to be universal

True. All the way back to the Spartans being BTFO’d at the Bussy of Thermopylae.

The Texans went onto win the war with Mexico. Boudica didn't win the war against Rome that is the difference, if one has a sacrifice that is then justified by a later victory that is less retarded than celebrating a complete defeat.

Ok retard. Doesn't change the fact Texas won and Boudica lost.

Remeber the Alamo you pinko commie

I think it’s hilarious when feministcels who are threatened by man spreading try to act bad ass.

Celtic Thot would not be afraid of sargon.