This subreddit is like r/frenworld but somehow even more autistic.

33  2019-05-07 by Ghdust2


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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What the fuck.

Imagine making this

this is why the mayocide can't come soon enough

u/greenvswhite I think you need a little time away from Reddit bud.

I would compliment you on the nice find because of the obvious drama it will later create but..

You're active in SRD sweaty, and I'm afraid that's a no from me

at what point do you guys admit you're triggered by clown frog memes?

It's not really dramatic though. If the countersperging escalates then I might be interested, but right now it's just a bafflingly retarded new low. It's not offending my delicate feminine sensibilities so much as it's clogging up my r/drama with mind-numbingly stupid shit.

Why do people keep saying we're triggered by when laugh at people literally acting like autistic downies

People here generally aren't upset, but over in TMoR they're acting like these mongs successfully performed a ritual to resurrect Hitler.

I know that but they werent talking about them they were talking about us

I do support their existence. Autists are good for dramacoin.

vvvv good point fren

Hopper may mays do a good boy

We're definitely shaking at the existence clownified pepe. It certainly couldn't be just that it's hilarious that online mayo nationalists' next incarnation communicates like if you taught an autism baby to speak by only reading /pol/ posts to it at bedtime.

Nope, it's definitely gotta be the 4(?) year old frog pictures.

Real talk though: what would mein Fuhrer think? Or Himmler? Or Goebbels? Even if you buy into the whole mayoid master race thing, do they think that Nazis fought and died for their right to act pants-shittingly impaired? Do they think they wouldn't have suffered a tragic catastrophic heart attack on the way to the new special education facility like every other retard and invalid in the Third Reich?

Even in a contemporary white nationalist context, at best these fags are sex slaves for actual Nazi Lowriders. More likely they're conscripted to carry smack in their bussies and then disposed of.

From what I understand, the clownpill is post-blackpill accellerationism. Basically embracing the end times to rebuild later instead of being depressed. It seems to have roots in the news of pedophilia being looked at as an oppressed sexuality rather than a crime and how homosexuality acceptance lead to it despite promises that it wouldn’t

Thanks for writing this up so no one else has to think too deeply about this crap.

it's far worse

i like frenworld :(

The way clowns get people so riled up is amazing. I can just say Honk! And be assumed a raging genocidal nazi. Now don’t go and get fresh drama source banned because you can’t handle some clowns.

based and honkpilled

look at this agendaposter getting baited this hard.