T D does it again. Literal god of shit posters get an anti Biden page the top site on Bing and 3rd top page on Google

525  2019-05-07 by escargott


That is why the Dem flooded the field with 20 candidates. Biden knows he can't win.

The first time a sticky on r/Drama is actually relevant

Searching “Biden 2020” is what you wanna do to see it’s ranking

Holy crap, it is. It's the second link after the Wikipedia page. Lmao this is so good. I want to see the twitter reaction to this.

If you find any rage tweets link em pls lmao

Seconded. Those will be funnier than the actual website imo

Mmmm tasty

Probably agree. Not sure where this idea comes from that Uncle Grope is super popular on twitter.

It works for "Joe Biden" as well. It is the third thing down, below his Wikipedia page and facebook.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I cant wait for the campaigns to fully kick off

I'm rocking back and forwards in my seat with excitement

let's just pray bernie doesn't die before the primaries

Daddy is campaigning for Bernie

To be honest if supporting who you think is the worst candidate to weaken the opposition works out for him as well as it did for the democrats in 2016, bernie's gonna win

What a twist that’d be. Great for dramacoin.

Now I hope for a bernie win. The drama would be fucking great between leftoid cancelling him for supporting Israel (best country in the world btw), and the rightoid would sperg out about gommunism.

Vote dramacoin, vote bernie.

I sometimes think Blumpf both (1) lowkey likes Bernie, and (2) recognizes that he's the only candidate that can beat him and desperately wants an excuse to not be president.

I just don’t know if Bernie can get minorities to the polls. That’s my hang up.

Well it's not like minorities are gonna vote for Trump

Yeah but them staying home could kill Bernie in some swing states.

I mean, that's not even true, lmao.

Also, isn't Daddy's bar for winning the minority vote tremendously low? I.e. 20% and it's almost guarantee that he wins?

I haven't sperged out on the stats in a while because I value my sanity.

Like 5% of black people voted for Trump in 2016. Minorities are technically voting for Trump. But barely.

Minorities are technically voting for Trump. But barely.

This is pure cope, he's had the same amount of real minorities vote for him as any other Republican, who doesn't like a nice taco bowl.

Romney got a bigger percentage of the black vote vs Obama than Trump did versus Hillary. Just saying.

Can both of you retards stop turning my offhand comment into stereotypical r/iamautisticandsmart reddit bickering? Especially you with your indignant-posting.

The only statistic that matters is the 300 feet you need to stay away from schools and parks.

> Taco Bowl


Why are anti-Trump people like you always so retarded?

Daddy defence force out in full force today huh?

You're the one saying more people voted when Obama ran than H like it's a important fact, nevermind lol polls meming.

Nice factual rebuttal btw shows how tots not seething you are.

Literally NPCs

But mommy has hot sauce in her purse

God that was so cringe.

Blumpf both (1) lowkey likes Bernie,

Who doesn't ?

I don’t, I don’t want to pay for some shmucks college education when I already had to pay for all of mine. Unless I get recompensed for mine, no way in hell am I voting to increase my own taxes.

"I don't want kids today using resume builders. I had to actually write out my fictitious work history."

Pretty big difference between a resume builder and $100,000

I don't let facts get in the way of my shit posts.

Non-poor people?

People with jobs?

People who pay taxes?

People with brains?

So chuds dislike Bernie ?

Post hog.

TFW having a modicum of success makes Chapocels so jealous they've gotta call you names

caring about politics

I like seeing the shitstorms not the actual campaigning or anything else

I cant wait for the campaigns to fully kick off

I can't wait for conservatives to kick off.

Where’s the drama fucko.

lmfao did you go to the actual site? https://joebiden.info/

I did screenshots but imgur sucks so they're out of order

Still don’t see any drama.

Downt donevote the lolcow

Listen here kiddo. I’m no lolcow

You're a leaf, it's worse.

Leafs are genetically superior to burgers.

charities on the verge of discovering that you can't fix stupid

You guys elected donald trump lmao 😂

Don’t think anything else need to be said that Americans are inferior.

Trump is better than Louis Theroux as pm (low bars all round)

The bar is very low indeed. But I disagree that trump is better.

Trump's also better than the virtue-signalling date rapist male feminist they elected because he's pretty.

>leaf You're a lolcow by default

Downvote him because he's "no lolcow" then?

Do it. Be a man and downvote me.

guys I think he is upset, don't hurt his karma

Oh my karma! Please don’t hurt it! How will I survive!

honestly I don't know. this might be the end for you buddy

never even began tbh, day of the rake when?

I downt see ze dwama guyz force feed me dwama plz 😫😫😫😫😫😫

Go back to your frens subreddit

I don't post on /r/frenworld if that's what you're saying

Ya okay 👌🏻


posts on TwoX, Politics, and WorldNews


Uh oh! We got a YIKES over here everybody!

That's how drama works 😎😎



a fucking leaf


Stoner leafs<junkie burgers

Wow a Canadian who misses social cues and expects handouts from his peers? Well I never.

>The Audacity of Grope

OK, this one made me chuckle

If Biden gets Santorum'ed it's going to be fucking hilarious.

I'm starting to think Harambe's death and the schism in reality it caused was worth it.

This brings me back to 2015/2016. God that was a great time. I feel like ill get to tell my grandkids about that time.

Imagine shitposts on the internet being the highlight of your life not just one year, but two years in a row.

🤔 I don't think that's what 'in a row' means bruv

in a row

phrase of row

forming a line.

"four chairs were set in a row"


in succession.

Has your brain ever worked?

Now I'm genuinely curious what you think 'in a row' means

I thought he was talking about 2016 and 2020 not 2015 and 2016

That's plausible & understandable, thus bringing me no further amusement 😤

I rarely ever say anything good about /pol/, but holy shit was it hilarious on election night. That place was melting down from the sheer weight of their laughter.

Are there any archived links?

I honestly don't know how to access the archived links. I see them posted every now and then.

I've honestly been debating if Trump winning again would reach that level, but I doubt it as a larger portion of /pol/ have soured on Trump.

I don't think anything will ever top the 2016 election as a whole on /pol/ again. The memes took on a life of their own.

That’s kinda impressive

It’s insanely impressive. How the fuck did the Biden folks let that domain go?

Well you see Timmy, when you have boomers running your IT team they don’t know about all the domains out there 🤷🏻‍♀️

Their greatest generation parents would beat them if they were still around

You don't need the internets, you just have to meet a lot of nice grassroots folks and ask them to put up posters and bumper stickers for you. That's how you win a campaign.

You can literally make any website you can imagine, it's impossible nowadays to buy them all preemptively.

But it's in your best interest to get the most common, a .xyz or a .ru wouldn't work but a .com or .info will

Hell, my company owns most common misspellings of our primary domain.


You should buy any website that could possibly turn up on a search engine. And even then it might be worthwhile to get others since weird domains are cheap as fuck, especially when it comes to a presidential campaign

It’s insanely impressive.

Both sites have a "hotness" variable in their algo. It's weighted heavily. Check back in a month or 2 and then see if it still ranks - highly unlikely since the freshness (newness) will have worn off, and the traffic will have dropped like a stone. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to learning about google's algorithm, /r/SEO and /r/BigSEO.

The Boomer Dems have horrible campaign manager.

It’s a legitimately professional looking website to. Turns out not all nimble navigators are smooth brained mongoloids.

mongoloid to mean stupid is actually really racist, please use a different word.


Shut up mongoloid

Fuck up, hun.


Yeah I agree. Use nigger instead

Thank you for defending those with disabilities. Insinuating that someone born with down syndrome is actually a member of an extremely patriarchal race built on a legacy of violent colonialism and rape is problematic as fuck and needs to stop.

P.S. Using the word y’all is appropriation of AAVE. Stop that.


I agree the correct terminology is faggot

Is this the power of unlimited autism

Recently a Nazi punched the shekels out of a few Jews at a Berkeley protest. He's a UCLA graduate.

Recently a Nazi punched the shekels out of a few Jews at a Berkeley protest. He's a UCLA graduate.

It's easy with PACs eith billion in funding

Austria did it first, searching for presidential elections austria had a site shitting on one candidate as top result.


The right just memes better. I’m sorry lefties. This is a masterpiece.

It always makes me chuckle. I think it’s the teeth.

Ya gotta make the lips funny

Reason lefty memes are like that is because they have to write up a fuckton of fantasy worldbuilding in order for their 'meme' to make sense.

Inclusive language makes jokes into pharmaceutical fine print.

And they're literally incapable of not sperging out and going on a word salad rant about whatever they're talking about

dude automod lmao

Reason lefty memes are like that is because they have to write up a fuckton of fantasy worldbuilding in order for their 'meme' to make sense.

bruh did you just explain the meme to us? lmao felt like it was pretty cuty and dry

do you even have a degree is memology? where did you study?

The silly inbreds are thinking themselves intellectuals again because one made a funny. Yet frenworld exists...

Pretty sure its because most conservacope memes are oversimplification of issues e.g. brown men bad.

memes are oversimplification of issues

Yeah that's what all memes are...

Lefty memes, when they represented the common working class, used to be funny.

You could write about some bourgeois that he was a faggot with a small dick and it was funny.

The issue is that at some point social degenerates took over the movement and they became perpetually offended. Suddenly the simple joke/insult is homophobic and ableist so you need 20 paragraphs to explain why it isn't in that context.

The one on the left is clearly for Rick and Morty fans.

I knew what it was before I clicked it.

So what i got from this is that the right can more effectively deliver a punch line but the left is literate.


The reason political memes are so effective is usually because they are short, easy to reproduce, easy to digest.

And also because the right doesnt need to spend ten hours thinking if their meme will offend any minority

Just do it and remember there is only one God and one prophet

Being excessively verbose =/= being literate. The point is that memes are supposed to be humorous, to the point, and a bit ironic. Just keyboard soaking your entire copy the communist manifesto isn't a meme.

It's like what Sartre said, the left holds itself to consistency and worries that it'll make itself look foolish or immoral while the right will do or say anything to win the moment because it has no scruples or shame.

Imagine unironically believing this

imagine unironically not believing this

Imagine unironically believing.

imagine unironically

Imagine an iron nickel.

You ever hear of a Buffalo Nickel, sonny? One time, I was up in town at the soda fountain, and this townie came in....😴

Imagine being boomer enough to remember the buffalo nickel, but not remembering that it was the penny that was made with iron during wartime shortages, and not the nickel.

That’s a lotta lip, boy. You got 5 minutes before I’m up outta this chair and then I’m gonna Biden you. I’ll blame it on the old-timer’s disease and the aids won’t help you neither.

Imagine - John Lennon

Doesn't Sartre specifically say this about anti-semites, not just the right?

Sauce for this pasta???

edit - banned for this post

ok mods I wanna take back some of the bad thigns I've said about you

Wtf I love mods now

They do it for free

Maybe they should get paid?

Aiming for perfection and fucking it up is ten times worse than being an imbecile and not caring about fucking things up.

You got dude bussy lmao'd by our banbot purging 90.69% of the sub

when you kill nigs

lmao bottom text


the holodomor denier


This absolute psychopath seriousposts on the same account he posts inflation porn on. You gotta respect that kind of honestly with yourself.

At least the mods banned you for that tripe

Someone give this guy some shapes and a block to insert them into.

“The square goes into the square hole, and the circle goes ......” can you guess it? Yes! The circle hole!

Well it's a good thing Google doesn't edit their results, this will maintain a high spot. Also I bet this was the Russian bots.

That used to be my job. Sort of. By Google's rating criteria (as of a few years ago at least) this website possibly shouldn't even be on the front page, so I'd expect it to get fixed since there's media attention about it now. I kind of wish I still had the job now though, since I'm genuinely interested in how "opposition" political campaign websites should be treated. Stuff like that didn't even come up when I was doing it.


Unironically based and redpilled

Someone saw that website full of pictures of Joe Biden being a creepy fuck, and their first question was "how do I donate money to help ensure that this man runs the country?"

AGAINST Gay Marriage

In 1996, Senator Joe Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. This law also prevented states from recognizing same sex marriages.

I was right to assume that Bidens followers are illiterate.

A lot of democrats were against same sex marriage decades ago. Are people not allowed to change their opinion based on new information? I want people to change their opinions based on new information, it's a sign of wisdom.

He's a politician. They say and do the shit they think will get their constituents to vote for them. I highly doubt he had a sudden epiphany on the road to Damascus.

Since he's a democrat, isn't it more likely he always supported gay marriage and lied about it before? Rather than the reverse?

This country is fucked

I can't stand trump as president but his campaign was fun to watch. Also, /u/kainharo just straight up lying about trump raping children here

Several women including an ex wife and under age girls when he hung out with Epstein. I'm too lazy to link but the cases and accounts are easy enough to find with a Google search

Absolute state of hillarycels

It is wild that hd camera footage of an old man rubbing a little girls nipples in front of her family is completely glossed over and they're back to calling trump a racist in that thread.

Maybe don't touch so many children and this wouldn't happen damn fascists.

stop touching children Fascist

Pick one.


that would make it "pick two"

woah, t_d actually did something funny for once.

Black person thats articulate.

*throws fresh bannana

the person behind it [the website] wrote that they identify as “closest to a libertarian.

Pedo seething that Biden keeps getting away with actually doing the things he fantasizes about

Only incels use bing

I fucking knew it the second it had 17k upvotes. I saw it and the first thing I thought was “this is perfect bait.”

All of that movement building and strategy happening on r/politics and all they can come up with is to vote for liberals. Along comes one rightoid who might ruin it all just by seeking keks.

/u/annoysthegoys make me mod again I need to sticky 😡😡😡

Two months

Ugh fine. I won't comment on any post involving the chosen state for 2 months, deal?

No shill no deal

Ugh ok fine


UwU ❤🇮🇱❤️

Holy shit brutal cucking.

How often do mods get temp banned round here?

Ok that's hilarious.

Highly suggest everyone checks out the return of operaman on and this past weekend:


"Gropa, gropa, sniffa, sniffa"

Hahaha jesus christ

i would wait until the stock price reaches inflection before selling, buddy


I can't breathe.

two weeks old? tf my hype gone downhill

Crazy that this doesn't have more coverage on Reddit. Just imagine if it was the other way round... Tempted to post it to /r/atetheonion and see how long it takes for me to get banned

Those in charge must have fixed search results.

Never underestimate the power of weaponized autism.

Good he's a pedophile

Libs aren’t allowed to have a sense of humor, rightoids don’t gaf. That’s the difference

Those clips of him touching women and kids are just brutal. He's not gonna make it.

I can only assume that the search engines will remain impartial and leave the search results alone no matter how unflattering it may be - like they did with Santorum.