Anti-semites, incels, red-pillers, bleeding heart liberals, and keyboard warriors of /r/trashy can all agree on one thing: Jews are bad.

57  2019-05-07 by Dramautist


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Maybe there was a reason they were kicked out of all of those countries.

Really makes you think 🤔 MDEfugees were banned from 108 subreddits just like the Jews were expelled from all those countries. Does this confirm 🐎👞?

my dick wssa kicked out of ur but 108 times😘

let's make em all 109


The diaspora is awesome, unlike the zionist snakes.

African migrants? No shit they're pretty shit people

jews are bad and so am i

Turns out that the image is cropped too and everyone is having good fun in reality

It was an MDEfugee psypop lol

Huh I thought it’d be chapo if it had to be anyone. It’s just someone on he same intellectual wavelength as chapo

The OP isn't mayo so he couldn't possibly be a Chapo.

The smirk on that guys face is just despicable. Jeez.

Oh my fucking God. I would assume this was a brilliant joke but he posts in r/funny so I think he's serious.

I wonder if this random guy got his life ruined by the angry woke crowd yet like the Covington kid.

/u/SmirkingSeal how do you think you should be punished for the white supremacist microaggression that your username implies you do, yourself?

Update: people reading this story and feeling mortified, can we all pledge to step in when we see shit like this going on around us?

That’s a new way of saying “Match me!”

The /r/trashy mods deleted this comment. Seems like their mods are pro-anti-Israel or anti-pro-Palestine.

Why do you have black people?

Nothing like jannie approved propaganda in the morning. They do it for free.

What is this, 2004?

What is this, 2004?

What is this, 2004?

I wish I got paid to reddit

It doesn't pay that well

You really fucked up as a group if you manage to get hate from chalocels and magatards

Magatards only like Israel because it's a fellow settler colony, and they have a deep settler colony mentality. Both share the same inherent fear and paranoia cultural of living in a land you stole and treating to hold on to it while surrounded by your victims, slowly expanding and taking everything from them. America is Israel and Israel is America. The rest of the world, the native, the people with an actual history and who don't have an artificial made to culture, they are against Israel.

"We don't hate jews, only the non working class ones!"

What they don't tell you is that in their opinion there are no working class jews.

Israel is the world's most barbarous nation, a constant threat to world peace nearly agreed upon by everyone but constantly protected and treated as a teachers pet by America. Let me say Israel, America isn't going to be on top forever and it sucks to be the teachers pet when there's no teacher around.

It's really not though, as much as I hate Jews.


Imagine being surrounded by 430 million nibbas who hate your guts and actually think you have a chance at long-term survival

That's downright badass when you say it like that.

Basically, Israel is like Sparta at the Battle of Miloiannapolis.

The guy i buy groceries from is older than Israel, it’s not an impressive feat to be backed up first by the british first then by the USA and then survive for a short amount of time. Let’s see how they hold up once America loses the upper hand to Russia or China.

Let’s see how they hold up once America loses the upper hand to Russia or China.

LMAO r-slur drunks who can't drive a truck without crashing it, and the literal world incel capital won't be overtaking shit.

You're confusing quantity with quality, sweaty.

Say sth mean about Turkey 🇹🇷!

Turkey is the pinnacle of Eurasian culture - the leftist fa🅱️🅱️otry of Europe and the tiny-dicked effeminate soyboyetry of Asia.

How is a country defending itself from a constant onslaught of missiles who just want to be left alone a threat to the entire world? Man chapos have a seething hatred for joos.

That title is unfair. Show me one instance of an anti-semite saying anything bad about Jewish people.

J00z r bad

apparently it's fake and op is an antisemite

Man people fall for this story every year. This is like the 4th time I've seen this debunked.

The nonsense you get when people say being against the behavior of the Israeli government somehow makes you anti-Semitic is all projection. It's coming from the same people who hate Muslims and use that hate to trash Muslim majority countries. They assume you're doing the same thing as them.

It's also smelted and purified irony, because they're the same group that has a long and proud tradition of hating Jews.u/missed_sla: “Are we the baddies?”