Blue check mark? CHECK. Aborton clinic? CHECK. A State Represenative calling for d0xx0rz for protestors? TRIPLE CHECK

44  2019-05-07 by ArlenBilldozer


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I live near this clinic, gonna stop by after work today.

Just yeetus a fetus on a whim?

Nah see if this faggot is there and maybe film an interaction with him.

If you don't post video of you asking the christcucks to help you in a fetus sacrifice ritual in going to be disappointed.

Sorry, I'm in the army of the Lord

Brave on scene drama reporting? Mod this man

I bet people would pay for the opportunity to perform an abortion. It might even be a public good. Some poor foid gets a free abortion, some sicko gets to suck a fetus up vacuum hose, someone else makes a little money. It's win-win for everyone in our degenerate society.

Why does he sound so nervous?

Lack of testosterone?

Asking for a girl’s number is always scary.

a bunch of white people

clearly a brown girl standing there


she even tried to tell him that she wasn't white too but he spoke over her with that hideous & terrified soy voice

can't let women of color speak up

How is this guy still allowed to be on Twitter?

Uhh because "doxing" isn't a crime in the United States.

He is suggesting random people 9n line do put their info on Twitter (what dozing means).

It's called dozing sweaty

As much as I hate the word...

What a fukkin grade A cuck.

I see he's going for the gender critical vote.