its over for catcels

2  2019-05-07 by Capital432


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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wow rude!

Life-fuel for canine-cels. Cades BTFO

This cat war Australia is having reminds me of the Squirrel War California has way back in the day. They were giving out prizes for the most squirrels kids across the state could kill, and even showed them how to poison/drown them most effectively. Crazy shit

That has to be a mayo foid, only they would cry over an invasive species being snapped

can we have a discussion about lazy the titles have gotten around here

i take suggestions

> Yank begs Aussies to put the pussy back on a pedestal

> is paying outback yokels 3 fosters per scalp the blunder down under, or Vege-MIGHT it be a good idea?

> aussie kitties are in more danger than the great barrier reeeeeeeeeef

/u/ulresearch I had no position on this before, but now I want all cats to die starting with my own. Say ur last meow bubbles