r/politics Bernie Bros in shambles because Biden has a 32-point lead in the Democratic presidential race.

115  2019-05-07 by Ghdust2


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Life-fuel for centrist-Dems-cels

Bernie Bros are Daddy's greatest allies.

Looks like trumps winning again

Glorious for dramacoin.

Democrats elect Trump for a second time 😱

Clean 🥵 take 🥵

Actually, Libertarians and members of the Green Party.

But most importantly, democrats

MAGA 😂😂😂


lol some of them are starting to realize that and their reactions are beautiful

Jesus it's gonna be 2016 all over again.

How can we hope to build informed voters when we’re letting fanboys pick and choose reality here

Hate to say it but the left is going to eat themselves alive again in 2020 and run on an "anything but Trump platform" instead of providing a better way, mark my words.

Everyone be prepared to vote for Biden in the general. Please let's all not do the temper tantrum thing again.

This is the way it was in 2016 with Hillary though. This place becomes toxic when Bernie is running. I had to unsubscribe during the 2016 election cycle to keep the crap out of my feed. And I actually voted for Bernie too. I just couldn't take all the garbage articles that would instantly fill the front page because of the hope that Bernie would still somehow get the nomination in Oct 2016.

Please do the temper tantrum thing again. Daddy is the best thing for dramacoin.

Taking a number from Trump i see.

I'm the baby ama.

did you let him do it? I hear that's how it works if they're rich/powerful enough.

He actually u circumsized me in one swift motion freeing me from Jewish control.

I’m the foreskin AMA

How does it feel being a completely useless object with no value.

I feel like your mom. I’m disappointed in you Sagas

Not the first time but oh well.

no im baby

Joe "Grab'em by the bussy" PedoBiden

One of the best strategies I ever saw was one time trump, bernie and others were debating. Someone interrupted bernie and trump let him speak. A lot of bernie supporters probably voted trump because he was one of the only candidates willing to let him speak.

What the hell? When we would Bernie and Trump be in a debate together?

Indulge his fantasy a little bit.




Did you happen to be on a meth bender when you saw this?

I love crack.


Lol how so? Biden is Obama 2.0 with actual foreign policy knowledge. He has serious likability and he brushed off the handsy accusations with ease.

He's definitely better personality wise, but as far as politics go, he's another establishment candidate. I think this is what some are concerned about.

I mean, if Uncle Joe can't beat Trump then I don't see how Bernie can.

That will be good for the drama coin.

It’s either 4 more years of the comedy gold you know and love or you get the mystery box.


What’s in it? It’s a mystery!

I can give you one hint though: It may be 4 years of an old man more than likely fondling world leaders.

i'm a gambling addict so i'd take the mystery box


You got the HIV.

The only person who could stand against him is Hilary! Hilary run again we need you!!!!

Blernie Flanders BTFO

This election will be great because Trump will likely win, again triggering 90% of the population, but even if he loses then Biden will also trigger at least 75%. We will get mass amounts of salt either way.

Bernie losing again will be great for dramacoin if this is an early indicator.

I’m hoping against hope the Biden picks a moderate Republican/never Trumper as his VP, to show how he’s the unity candidate.

Can mobamba be vp?

Biden/Romney 2020


moderate Republican/never Trumper

Do these still exist?


Go full boomer.

Webb is the only Democrat who still cares about the American working class. The rest of the party wants to import as many rapefugees as possible and destroy the earning potential of unskilled labor in this country.

This tbh, but it's a good thing

I wonder if kill go Tim Kane the guy literally no one remembers.

If you asked 100 people on the street who Hillary's VP pick was I'd be surprised if anyone said Tim Kane, more people would say Trump.

Kaine, sadly I remember.

Hi there Tim

Berniecels on max cope will drown out other drama though. Reddit became even worse than usual when Hillary got the DNC nomination in 2016.

I hope bernie just baaaaarely squeeks a win in the dem primary but then soundly loses to trump, popular vote and all.

Berniebros will literally kill themselves and centrist dems will be gloating and seething at the same time

Imagine the drama that will ensue during debates when trump calls out Biden for being a diddler

Stop. I can only get so hard and the thought of crusty old white dudes impotently and hypocritically calling each other out on trivialities is too much to bear.

I doubt it, higher-up pedo circles are too powerful and influential.

Or a pageant bussy grabber

Btw, how do you think, should I submit the motte mod showing you disrespect here?

Can you post that again but in english

A mod of a certain subreddit that has "motte" in its name treated /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won with disrespect recently, resulting in some mild drama. I asked TRTW if it would be a good idea to submit that drama to /r/drama, given the possible externalities for xymself.

Why are at least 8 people butthurt about that right now is beyond my comprehension.

Imagine asking permission to post drama.

Have you considered /u/CuckoldPsychology?

I'm not asking for permission, I'm asking for a second opinion, you cancerous crab lobster.

You need a shorter leash, cuckaroo


Lol and Buttgig was like 40 the other day

Who cares about the house race, they are ephemeral beings

goddamit how is he gonna win again. what is wrong with america

Each president has gotten two terms for a while now

It’s a good thing. Gotta pack that court to prevent the woke apocalypse

Maybe they shouldn’t have donated lol

4 more years incoming

I guess trump wins

Lmao how are the democrats this inept

Is there a political sub where actual news don't get buried?

lol, now they want actual news.

Trump Miller Russia

246k upvotes. 9 Silver. 10 Gold. 5 Platinum.

Remember, sabotage an election for yourselves and then RESIST

Why does the DNC love losing elections so much lmao.

do you guys think r/politics is going to go mega pro biden like it did with hillary

completely organically of course

MMXIX Anno Domini

believing polls

As usual, mayo males win again

I love this so much because the media was pushing Harris is so friggin hard. It’s got to be pissing off quite a few of them as well. Dad said it’s almost guaranteed she’ll be the VP

Bernie bros are better at getting trump elected than Bernie

Bidden O'Rorke

Trump winning 2020 is obvious by now, what I'm really after is the succulent, salty tears of B E R N I E shills