Mayo news anchor asks black guest about changing baltimores leadership after three black female mayors have shit the bed

51  2019-05-07 by unrulyfarmhand


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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The perfect news outlet for dramanauts

Nicki Mayo

Name does not check out, she black!

The news anchor Mary Bubala has been fired. The REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs on Twitter were crazy.

Never trust a black woman, especially my sister!

The sassy reaction gifs in her replies practically confirm all the stereotypes I ever had about black wahmen

Nicki Mayo


baltimores leadership after three black female mayors have shit the bed

Shieeeet Nerese fucked up ?

She resigned so as not to be convicted of embezzlement.

That rat Mcnulty probably had something to do with this.

"Hey darkies, you struck out three times. It's the whites turn now."

“You had your chance, we played along, let’s get back to business”

*black to business


I had to.

And now, Baltimore can go back to being peaceful and well-managed city it always was. No more KKK news anchors making shit up. Time for new queen to shine for couple of years until resignation.

She said it to a black chick too. lol

Basketball Americans have turned Baltimore into a rich and vibrant Afrcan city. Imagine how boring the city would be without the low level tribal warfare and prebendalism political system.

I see how this is interpreted in a racist way, but I can also see how this could be intended as a criticism of the way the left pushes for politicians based on race and gender rather than merit.

Yeah, I mean this is one of those times where if she meant it to be racist it would be so fucking retarded that I'm almost skeptical that's what she was trying to imply. Can a journalist really be this retarded?

Scream all god damn day about mayo privilege, saying it's time for a change and what not, get your chance and completely blow it, can't handle any criticism.