[short][boomerposting] OP causes instant rage on Oldsmobile forum

52  2019-05-08 by snallygaster


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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drama from less than 10 years ago

Not historical, not interested

fine, it's not a chevy argument but it's a good one

I think you're parents forgot to add brains to your skull...

Absolutely 🔥🔥🔥ed by this boomer.

I just hoped 'death' would take a little longer, considering it had the famed "northstar engine" in it...

Northstar is one of the shittiest engines gm ever made. Dumb boomer

For reference, many(most?) classic car enthusiasts get really pissed off when somebody puts an engine from a different model of car into a car. Here's another discussion about Chevy vs. Olds engines; it seems to be an ongoing point of controversy on the forum.

It's kind of understandable. If you're building a car to be a classic, then you'd want it to be as close to the original as possible. Also to join certain clubs or get historical plates your car has to be in original condition.

There's also just the pissing contest between fanboys on which car is better.


Jannies strike again.

Also 2011? Those users are long since dead.

shud up u sacc face,,IF U READ IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH,,u will see ITS WAS A THOUGHT,,

Boomerposting is a religious experience.

if only we could see greatest generation posting

You can find it by going here and setting the 'last modified' filter from something like 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1999.

Guess what. I've had Oldsmobiles longer than you've been alive, on a working man's budget. And not one of them has ever had to have a Chevrolet engine put in it to keep it alive. A "classic" car with a bastard engine is no longer a classic car. It's a turd.

Snappy, pls

A "classic" car with a bastard engine is no longer a classic car. It's a turd.

if you dont live by this, then youre waking up for nothing every morning.

Not as bad as an ls1 swap into a 240 that kids do but still

Instead of calling people retards its going to be all about the sacc face from now on

how do you consistently find such gems?

It's pretty easy, just find random special interest communities and look for drama. In almost every case you'll find one in an active enough community.

Why dont you sticky these instead of lawlz's latest take on childrens cartoons.

I'm sure they have reasonable response to importing Japanese cars.

Location: california

these the type of forums I miss a lot, and why Ive been on reddit for the recent years.

A lot of them are still active, just not very active

I know.

its kind of weird now, reading random forum threads from like 2002 or some shit lmao

Who the fuck is so pathetic that they care what brand the engine running the car is?

Classic car people are fixated on everything being as close to the original form as possible, and if you replace the engine with one from a different model then it'll drop a lot in value

This is the wrong vroombox >:(

Reminds me of this thing I heard on the radio the other day.

Car people are worse that capeshitters, honestly.

why do boomers always type like this

its interesting that “rocketraider” the second user in da forum is actually still active 8 years later. dude was online 10 days ago.