Actress, who got famous from a largely fictional movie about torturing Hajis to find Osama Bin Laden, gets political to distract from her up coming bomb. Links X-Men movie to Game of Thrones rape reference. Spoilers - not all goddesses agree with her take.

13  2019-05-08 by SandorClegane_AMA


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I can’t tell her apart from the red head from black mirror’s nosedive episode. Is that racist? 😬

Yeah because the chick from BM is hotter and has a phenomenal ass

She looks like a horse

Yeah because the chick from BM is hotter

Could not disagree more.

I legitimately dislike Jessica Chastain. Like foids are bad in general, sure r/Drama, but this one really rubs me the wrong way. And she isn't (((even))) Jewish -

She seems very bitchy and entitled then again I wouldn't mind hate fucking her.

Jessica Chastain is a discount Bryce Dallas Howard

Bryce Dallas Howard is discount Bryce Dallas Howard

No. She's a discount Christina Hendricks

imagine a swordshit and capeshit actress 🤢

as soon as you hit thirty your career is over