Forbes dunks on Star Citizen. Cope reaches new zeniths.

134  2019-05-08 by wfwfwfqwfqwef

Forbes article link.

This causes major cope on the part of Star Citizen fans.

/r/games cope.

"The Federal trade commission has received 129 consumer complaints related to Cloud Imperium, involving requests for refunds as high as $24,000"

/r/pcgaming cope

/r/starcitizen cope.

Cope-dense subthread.

Much seething in response to this comment.

General consensus is that if backer money dries up he'll pull in more investment from his Hollywood buddies and they'll crunch out SQ42 with a AAA blitz marketing campaign. Squadron 42 is inevitable. What happens after that is more up in the air, but given how well the game has gone during the very, very long Alpha period, it's probably going to turn out okay.

As someone with a section of clan mates that have well over 10+K in it. It is easy to see how cult-like it is on the outside from that perspective. If you are in for $20-40, I wouldn't worry about it much.

I'm a fan of all space games and SC has been trying to do things nothing in the genre and ever done before.

I have hundreds of hours in pretty much every big space game ever released and i'm not exaggerating at all. Being drawn to SC only seems natural for a gamer like me.

They do it for free.

Oh yeah, you are very critical.

This person is a moderator of /r/sc and bans practically any critical text from the sub.

He also was forced to quit his moderator post a while back because of conflict of interest problems as it was revealed he had received stuff from CIG and also worked for for-profit marketing firm hired by CIG. This caused all kinds of drama. He came back quietly after the dust settled.

Anyone who has actually been paying attention to the game has seen the development accelerate extremely rapidly in the last year or so. It's making a lot of progress and at this point we're down to something like a year left before Squadron 42 is available to play.

Lots of replies to this, with major SC backer cope in response.

I backed a while ago, and I follow the game. I take issue with a few things CIG has done, but overall I'm happy with their progress and and happy to wait for a finished product and I won't be backing monetarily again till we get something real. But people on this sub need to chill. If backers of SC are Cultists, then people on this sub are just the fanatical antithesis of that.

A radcen unfortunately cursed with g*meritis. Truly tragic; he could've been one of us.

Lots of cope in the replies to that.

Seething man writes long reply to other seething man.

I didn't say it was bad, I was saying it's been collecting money on a promise for 8 years and anyone who thinks that a quality game is going to be released in a timely manner is delusional.

The game has collected 250 MILLION dollars, was set to launch in 2014, and is currently in a state of pre-alpha in 2019.

You can't pour money down a dev's throat and have them instantly shit out a game like a magic vending machine. The more money this project earns, the longer it will take to use that money to build an amazing game. Outrage at dates and figures is nonsensical when they are actively trying to build a great game with the money given to them.

DDF jumps into the fray, to be met with seething longposts.

Journalists are the scum of the earth. This reads like an orange man bad article.

Star Citizen whales coping hard about spending enough to buy a car on a game that'll never be released.

Someone predicts that the article will make Star Citizen fans seethe. SC backers proceed to prove him right.

Those articles make me happy because they never fail to instantly drive cultists into fits of impotent rage, incoherently rambling about "muh fud" and how anything that doesn't fit their worldview isn't journalism anyway.

Kind of like people who take pleasure in others' unhappiness.

Except I’ve found more tolerance of opinion on r/starcitizen_refunds than I have here

lol that is fucking adorable, I will go over ther right now saying how I like playing SC ohh wait I cant I was banned instantly for already trying to have a different opinion then pure hate lie or perhaps I just forgot to claim it was a scam with nothing to back it they doo more or less every day.

Someone who cares entirely too much writes itemized lists of ways Star Citizen is so boring even the lobotomy patients known as g*mers can't enjoy it. This incites major cope.

I'd rather be accused of being a shill than be the pathetic fuckers that have spent the past seven years shitting on a game that'll either be forgotten or be a successful but niche space sim.

I can't imagine feeling fulfilled on my deathbed if that's how I spent an eighth of my whole life like some of these people that post in every Star Citizen thread have.


Star Citizen is was and always will be a scam. the devs only do just enough work for the money to keep rolling through and stupid idiots will still happily give them money.

Imagine paying tens of thousands of dollars for a computer game that will never be released

It's extra baffling. The 40 year old nerds paying millions for this game have nostalgia for TIE Fighter and Wing Commander 2, games developed by 6 people with shitty 1992 DOS tools in 18 months. They should've been able to fund 350 finished attempts at a starfighter sim.

Or just play the contemporary Elite, lol.

Seriously. Fucking elite is wayyyy further along than this. And if they get space legs released next year it's going to be over for RSIcells.

That is the funniest part; like, how long will this game be viable? How long will someone actually enjoy playing the game before they are bored of it and move on to something that will cost them only 30 bucks? 6 months? A year? 5 years? 10?

Never underestimate the tenacity of retards willing to play the worst games imaginable driven purely on hype and cope. See: Anthem, Fallout 76, DayZ, etc

As an Enlightened Gamer I can proudly state that I told my friends to not buy or preorder those 3 games you listed, and that they should only be buying the finest in software such as Dwarf Fortress and Factorio.

Now excuse me as my folds smell like cheese and the personal care worker I scheduled to bathe me has just arrived.

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. Forbes article link. -,,

  3. /r/games cope. -,,

  4. /r/pcgaming cope -,,

  5. /r/starcitizen cope. -,,

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  10. They do it for free. -,,*

  11. /r/sc -,,*

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  21. r/starcitizen_refunds -,,*

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  24. -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

look what youve done to snappy with all your silly links.

Good boy, snappy.

damn, snappy working harder than game devs these days smh


The more money this project earns, the longer it will take to use that money to build an amazing game.

Sounds like a reasonable business idea I will invest in and not a scam at all

I mean stories like this make it clear that kickstarter is a very useful model, if you have big dreams like making a great fuckoff pile of money for yourself

Kickstarter is a wet dream for video game nerds who want to make video games. Except they don't want to learn how to code or program, they just want to be the "ideas guy".

Isn't that literally the definition of a ponzi sceme?

It's not being behind schedule, they just significantly increased the scope of the project.

"I'm not gay, my collection of dildos simply demonstrates my displeasure towards the homosexual community."

"I have significantly increased the scope of my anus"

Check how hot babes party:

The perfect subreddit and comment chain for gussy-related spam.


And you are just the cherry on top! 😉🥰😘

It's not being behind schedule, they just significantly increased the scope of the project.

That’s project management code for “what we have sucks and doesn’t work, so we’re throwing in other half related features to try to distract stakeholders for long enough to get out.”

Implying they have actual project managers instead of game devs who can't budget or manage for their lives.

Maybe that's the problem. Maybe they have too many project managers and no game devs.

We did it, Reddit! We solved Star Citizen!

It clearly isn't the problem because there looks to have been no planning whatsoever. This entire game is the worst example of scope creep I've ever seen. They're currently working on fucking game models of all things. Fire some of those extra modellers, stop taking more money from the cult fanbase, and finish the core of the game.

We need Gamer Camps, in the desert, far.

G*mer shit 🤢🤢🤢

Good effort post tho

Suicide fuel for naive-cels

It's like EVE and CIG is Captain Ahab finding all those "white whale" gamers and milking them for 1000s. Gamers truly are the worst at life, imagine "backing" an unfinished game for 1k or more proudly.

The White Male swam before him as the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies which some deep gamers feel eating them, till they are left living with half a heart and half a lung.

First FyreFest then Theranos and now Star Citizen, I can't wait to see the documentary about this one

There are quite a few on youtube

internet historian just did one on FO76. I'm guessing he'll do a sequel to it on Anthem next.

hilarious - I just watched it, I heard there were problems with FO76 but I didn't know things were that bad


I hope he'll do Star Citizen someday

Holy shit OP.

Above and beyond in bring us the freshest gamingdrama.

My arm after scrolling thru your post

you know what... I have a 5k account too. I could probably sell all my larger ship, keep 2 small ones + the rewards and just buy myself the Valve VR. I don't have any friends to play with larger ships anyway

Spends 5k on digital space ships and doesn’t have friends. Who would have thought?

Don't be so mean to the guy, maybe his friends just have an IQ higher than a toaster and none of them invested into digital spaceships that do not have a release window in sight.

You'd have to be some kind of Rick and Morty fan to not invest in Chris Roberts' masterpiece.


The year is 2200 and I'm on a ship flying past the rings of Saturn with my consciousness downloaded onto the ship's onboard computer. I load the Star Citizen alpha on to my quantum computer. It crashes.

Don't be silly, your interstellar spaceship won't have the graphics power to run the game.

My quantum superbitcoin mining rig orbits the sun. My dessicated form activates the fuel scoop with a painful wrist movement, which scoops solar hydrogen into the fusion engine to power the 800,000 graphics processing servers. Messages flare into life as alternate universe versions of myself have recognised that it is in fact, my turn on the PC and send me their processing power. I activate the main display unit. The heat sinks on the computer core glow bright red as I activate the main display. Finally, after 40,000 years, it's time to play the best Roberts space industries has to offer.

I get roughly 15fps on low. But at least my $25000 dollar spaceship has a toilet!


All dramacels are coping that they don't post on r/zweirama

This game still exists?

It never did exist, it just continues to not exist.

Gamers dabbed on by big brain scammers once again.

It's not being behind schedule, they just significantly increased the scope of the project.

/u/da_puginto, do you know what "behind schedule" means?

The LA office handles design and coordination, the Texas office is specialized in the persistent universe and infrastructure part of the multiplayer, Foundry 42 Manchester is responsible for Squadron 42, and Foundry 42 Frankfurt is responsible for the Cryengine/Lumberyard development. What makes you think they haven't done the math to figure out that doing it that way is less expensive than cramming a staff of 500 people into one building somewhere?

/u/Vandrel, how much are you being paid to shill for these hicksters?

Or are you stupid enough to do it for free?

Oh, I forgot I'm not allowed to call out bullshit unless I'm being paid to do it. There was so much misinformation and outright falsehoods from that "article" and the people in that thread attacking the project without being familiar with it but I'm a shill for giving someone information that's freely available with a 10 second google search?

Call me a seriousposter, but I cannot handle this level of autism without getting an aneurysm. This game has received and continues to receive hundreds of millions of dollars, has legions of fanboys, and has been in development for nearly a decade, and it is still in pre alpha. It was planned to be released in 2014 and has more or less made no real, meaningful progress whatsoever. That is not how video game development works. They are not just working on the game as normal like any other early access dev. This is not normal or ok. How can you not get it through your thick skull. This game is not being developed, and it will never be released. Jesus Christ, listening to you people is like listening to cultists or abused housewives cope about their shitty lives.

made no real, meaningful progress whatsoever

It's actually made huge strides in the last couple years. Did you notice how that Forbes "article" completely avoids talking about how the game's development has gone after 2016? It's because it doesn't fit into the narrative they're trying to push. I fully agree with some of what they said about the period before that. There was a much too long period of time where it looked like nothing was really happening and a lot of people were justified when they asked for refunds during that period. They've made a massive amount of progress since 2017 though and pretty much restored my faith that it'll actually turn into a playable game after having stopped paying attention to it completely for over a year.

It went through a few bursts of development (not enough to get it out of pre alpha though lol) 2-3 years ago so it’ll totally be out soon, no this is different from when we said this in 2014 I promise! Fucking delusional

Like I said, I fully agree that the game stagnated hard for a long time. I'd even say you're being generous saying that it went through a few bursts of development, everything that happened before 2017 was pretty inconsequential and, again like I already said, I had basically stopped paying attention to it completely. There was a full year between the release of 2.6 in December 2016 and 3.0 in December 2017, shit like that was completely unacceptable. I, like many others, were pretty unhappy with the project at that point and had just written it off. Again, did you notice how the article only talks about the game's development before the release of 3.0? That's not an accident or coincidence. The fact that they seem to have turned things around and have stuck to a quarterly update schedule for a year and a half now goes against the article's narrative.

“Okay, so I agree with basically everything you say about the game being making no progress for years at a time, and being abandoned by all but the most deluded of fans, and being generally garbage, but come on, it’s different this time!!! I mean, they’re getting out FOUR WHOLE UPDATES A YEAR!!! You gotta show some faith when they’re making that much progress!”


That's not really what I said, is it? But then again, you're not really interested in why the Forbes article is wrong, are you?

Lol, I don’t even care about the article, I’m talking about the retardation of this fandom and game in general. And no, I’m not really interested in listening to some austist sperg about how daddy roberts is going to make everything ok 5 years post release date.

And that sums up the majority of people jumping on the bandwagon to shit on Star Citizen after this article.

I’ve been shitting on this train wreck of a game long before a shitty Forbes article. Most people tend to be wary of a game with $100 mil+ and microtransaction whales that make candy crush moms look frugal yet are somehow stuck in a perpetual development hell.

I'm sure, there's always been plenty of people attacking the project while having no actual knowledge of it. Nothing new about that.

And your derth of knowledge and totally not at all delusional fanboying/sunk-cost fallacy is an elightening take on the game and certainly not tantamount to a crack addict sucking the dick of their dealer thinking the dealer's jizz is some liquid form of cocaine.

Sure, yeah, saying "yep, I agree that the game's development progress was pretty awful for a long time" definitely sounds like a fanboy.

Oh so you can generalize retards, but the second I do it, it's wrong.

Fuck off, starfag.

Mmk buddy, whatever you say. You seem mad.


You really don't get banter do you?

You didn't need to write out all that, you could have just said "yeah, I'm mad" instead.

Apparently less than 10 words is too much for you.

When I imply you're retarded, don't prove it within the next few seconds.

Yeah, you're totally not mad. Wait, sorry, that's not right. You seem extremely mad.

umad x3

How long do you think before you're reduced to autistically repeating shit like this comment chain is your hugbox?

Called it again.

If you're going to pretend you don't care about this topic, make sure your post history is cleaned out.

So what's your endgame here? An autism off?

You're the one that keeps responding while you're mad so really, this is all on you.


20 minutes just for that? lol.

I have a life

Probably just like Star Citizen, your life is 80% hypothetical.

Now you're resorting to making stuff up to act like I said it and attack me for it. Rational, non-angry people don't do that.

As a semi-sentient wallet with legs once said

Yeah, you're totally not mad. Wait, sorry, that's not right. You seem extremely mad.

Also, if you're going to try to guess what I'm doing, make sure you know what I'm doing.

Which is mocking you.

Hmm, you may want to check up on the definition of mocking. It doesn't mean just being mad at someone.

Now you're resorting to making stuff up to act like I said it and attack me for it. Rational, non-angry people don't do that.

At this point you're literally arguing with yourself. lol.

You're not even making sense anymore. Please, get off for awhile and come back when you've calmed down.

Maybe if you say it enough times Star Citizen will go to the next phase of alpha?

The anti-Star Citizen people seem to obsess over it far more than the people who have actually bought it do.

Oh no, people can see my recent history of calling out misinformation from this article. How terrible! What in particular from my history are you trying to point out?

I'm not going to slog through your gamer history reading through your shit when you can just ctrl-f your post history for anything star citizen-y.

Besides, you missed the point entirely. Again.

You're going through non-Star Citizen subreddits, bitching about poeple shitting on your game, that you somehow ended up on /r/Drama

That ain't a good look bitchboi.

You know, maybe you should go back to just accusing me of being mad, this "rational" shit you're trying is even more predictable than that.

You're going through non-Star Citizen subreddits, bitching about poeple shitting on your game, that you somehow ended up on /r/Drama

God forbid I participate in one of the top recent threads on the PC Gaming subreddit. How dare I?

TIL this place = r/pcgaming

I only saw this thread because someone here mentioned my name.

So being baited by a mean ping is a good excuse?

Oh my fuck.

You seem to take this subreddit far too seriously.

No amount of banal witticisms is going to change that.

And the final ringer lul.

Ok buddy, if thinking you won something here makes you happy then so be it.


A nuanced response, that.

Thank you my wife’s boyfriend says I’m very creative.

What progress have they made? Have they even touched on scaling out what they have? Because that is where shit will bog down. If they haven't even gotten to that point, then you can expect three years or more of additional development. No telling if it's even possible to scale up with that degree of complexity.

Yes, a lot of the reason it looked like not much was going on is because they were working on tools to let them pump out planets and stations at a much faster pace.

Why the fuck are they doing balance changes before they even have a working game

All the shooting mechanics are working. It has full fledged FPS and ship combat and the people who work on that kind of stuff aren't the same ones working on networking tech or making new planets. Not to mention that much of what they're focusing on right now, including balance tuning, is focused on getting Squadron 42 out the door.

First of all, they should have never put out Squadron 42. That is just additional drag on an already horrendously scoped project. Second of all, what you mentioned is not scaling. Scaling is getting a bunch of people in the same environment, with all the necessary data synchronization. If anything sinks this game, that will be it. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are doing everything but that.

Second of all, what you mentioned is not scaling. Scaling is getting a bunch of people in the same environment, with all the necessary data synchronization.

Yes, in a way that's intended to scale up development to increase the pace of development. That's exactly what I was talking about. Much of the time and resources they've invested so far has been scaling up to where they needed to be to get this whole thing going, as well as refining their process and tools to handle it.

in a way that's intended to scale up development to increase the pace of development

Do you understand that asset creation is much different than developing the game engine? They are bikeshedding. They don't need a tool to pump out planets more efficiently. That's something you do post release. What they need is an actual working game, i.e. multiplayer environment that can handle the complexity they've promised.

That's exactly what I was talking about.

No, it really isn't. You're talking about a bunch of QoL development stuff. That's all gold-plating before they even have a working game.

Look, I'll tell you what's likely happening behind the scenes: the core development team has probably gone through multiple redesigns of their main engine because they can't manage to produce this massively complex environment without the entire stack shitting itself. They've hit a huge wall because they realize they can't deliver the product as promised due to the technical limitations of a massively multiplayer environment. So while they try to square that circle, they feed a chunk of their budget into asset creation and a single-player game to produce the illusion of progress.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Momma would be proud.

They don't need a tool to pump out planets more efficiently. That's something you do post release.

Did you even think about that before you said it? How do you expect them to release the game without having a lot of the planets and solar systems done?

What they need is an actual working game, i.e. multiplayer environment that can handle the complexity they've promised.

Yes, and as I said, that's what a lot of their resources have been going towards. That's the entire point behind the OCS system that they just recently implemented.

Look, I'll tell you what's likely happening behind the scenes: the core development team has probably gone through multiple redesigns of their main engine because they can't manage to produce this massively complex environment without the entire stack shitting itself. They've hit a huge wall because they realize they can't deliver the product as promised due to the technical limitations of a massively multiplayer environment.

Really all that this means is that you're not familiar with what's actually going on in the development of this game. Again, that's pretty much the entire reason they've put so much time and effort into OCS. They did have exactly the problem you're talking about and it took them years to get things ironed out. It was holding back development pretty badly and caused the stagnation that gave a lot of people a negative view of the game. It singlehandedly held back development of the "massively multiplayer" component. It's almost entirely implemented now and it also managed to more than double most people's framerates at the same time.

Did you even think about that before you said it? How do you expect them to release the game without having a lot of the planets and solar systems done?

I'm going off an earlier statement of yours: "they were working on tools to let them pump out planets and stations at a much faster pace." I presumed they had a method of asset generation previously. They should be working on the core engine, using the assets and resources they already have to populate the game for the alpha. Making more efficient asset generation tools is polishing.

Really all that this means is that you're not familiar with what's actually going on in the development of this game.

You say this, then proceed to tell me that I actually nailed the exact issue they've had during development. Clearly I did have a grasp of their development if I was able to guess their most significant roadblock.

It's almost entirely implemented now and it also managed to more than double most people's framerates at the same time.

From what I've seen, they've put out demos of multiple players operating a single ship. Have they demonstrated multiple player-controlled ships (preferably multiple players per ship) interacting in the same environment? Have they shown planet entry-exit under the same conditions? Those scenarios will be the true test of their engine. And that's just the engine in a local environment. Deploying the infrastructure to support all of this online will be another beast entirely.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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I'm going off an earlier statement of yours: "they were working on tools to let them pump out planets and stations at a much faster pace." I presumed they had a method of asset generation previously. They should be working on the core engine, using the assets and resources they already have to populate the game for the alpha. Making more efficient asset generation tools is polishing.

They go hand in hand in this case. The procedural generation systems for planets are part of the core engine. Essentially, their planet creation process works by procedurally generating the surface of a planet and then remaking portions like cities by hand. Then they use that to make a seed that the game client uses to procedurally generate the exact same planet whenever you get close enough to see it rather than storing the complete planet in the game's files. This also means they've had to spend a lot of time developing tech for things like terrain blending that would work in tandem with the procedural generation and do it fast enough to be done client-side. It's very much something that needed to be done at an early stage of development instead of leaving it until much later.

You say this, then proceed to tell me that I actually nailed the exact issue they've had during development. Clearly I did have a grasp of their development if I was able to guess their most significant roadblock.

I meant that it means you don't know where there at now. Like I said, it absolutely was an issue up to a year, year and a half ago but that goes along with what I've been saying about how development stagnated hard until pretty recently. I've been pretty vocal about how I agree with a lot of people here about how things looked really bad for the game for a long time. The year gap they had between 2.6 and 3.0 was absolutely unacceptable and I fully understand the negative opinions that people formed because of the stuff like that that CIG has pulled, but it does irk me a bit when people talk about the current state of development like it's still in that stagnation period.

From what I've seen, they've put out demos of multiple players operating a single ship. Have they demonstrated multiple player-controlled ships (preferably multiple players per ship) interacting in the same environment? Have they shown planet entry-exit under the same conditions?

Yep, that is actually fully functional. During one of the Free Flight events last year my girlfriend and I hopped into a Cutlass Black together with me piloting and her managing power and comms from the copilot seat. We took off from the Port Olisar space station, jumped over to a rest stop station to show her that, then jumped to Hurston to show her the city of Lorville and the ship expo that was going on. After showing her the spaceport and what parts of the city were available at the time we took a couple hoverbikes to go mess around in the desert where one of our clients crashed and we both logged off. Other players were coming and going from the landing zones we visited during that and we were actually attacked by another pair of players in their own Cutlass Black a couple minutes after leaving Levski as we headed to space to jump somewhere else.

There was also a fairly big player-made event of sorts a few months ago when people found a small base that sold a very profitable drug but wasn't in a restricted weapons zone. People were coming to trade, others were coming to blow them up and take their cargo, and others came to stop those people just to get some good fights in. This video was actually taken by a player on the live servers a few months ago with a Hammerhead with multiple crew members approaching the moon where Jumptown (the place with the drug) is located getting attacked by 12 players in fighters.

And that's just the engine in a local environment. Deploying the infrastructure to support all of this online will be another beast entirely.

Agreed. Servers are currently limited to something like 60 players per instance and that's honestly my biggest disappointment so far. It'll definitely be quite a feat to get their server meshing plans off the ground so everyone is together instead of divided into instances.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Ok, so that is admittedly farther along development than I thought. They're going to have one hell of a time trying to actually transition to "MMO", though. I would be curious if they could load 5+ ships into the same area and have them duke it out while maintaining stability. Keeping the client machines from catching fire when having to render more than a handful of ships in the same area will be a small miracle.

huge strides

Bro you can dogfight now! And pew pew at other characters!

don't feel bad.

i got dragged into a seriously-long-posting competition with that dipshit.

it ended with me realizing he was arguing about a minor thing i had said like ten posts prior. these people are literally unable to understand criticism about this game.

Jesus christ, the hate coming from these comments right now. Calling out the misinformation in the article automatically makes you a shill, that's pretty ridiculous.

It doesn't automatically make you a shill, but uncritical fanatic devotion to the game and devs in spite of it having all the usual hallmarks of a scam does make it look like you have a bad case of the COPE

From the outside looking in, it seems to me (and evidently many others) that you've got a sunk cost fallacy thing going on. So rather than look like a idiot who got duped, you have decided to stan hard for a game that seems designed to suck up money in exchange for the least amount of new content in order to keep people strung along.

Quite the opposite, actually. I fully agree that there was a period where development stagnated hard and I basically stopped paying attention to it completely because it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Development accelerated hard in 2017 though, which happens to be where the Forbes article stops their analysis of the game's development. Also no sunk cost fallacy going on for me. I put in $30 years ago when it started which gets me a copy of both games when they come out and have spent exactly $0 since then because there's no way I'm putting more than that towards an incomplete game. I certainly haven't put thousands into the project or anything like that, I think the people who do that are downright stupid.


/u/da_puginto is being mean to me!!!


I'd rather be accused of being a shill than be the pathetic fuckers that have spent the past seven years shitting on a game that'll either be forgotten or be a successful but niche space sim.

perfectly normal responses from persons who pour massive money into not only the game itself but how they play the game.

one of these take it to a whole new level though: ex1 ex2

Honestly I wouldn't mind having a rig like some of those, but fuck, why not just buy a headset instead of 4 fucking TV screens?

Star Citizen haters are like antivaxxers. They brigade a discussion, make a bunch of shit up, and give each other high fives.

Haha oh wow. Hey guys shitting on vaperware is as dangerous as being a disease vector.

Comparing similar behavior between different flavors of tard isn't equating the degree of their retardation you mong

No u


SC will never be completed to any standard originally stated. Sure, it might be finished, but I doubt it's hold up to any of the hype. Squad 42 might just hold out, but forget the MMO universe they want. It will never work just based on the fact that people on the internet are assholes who will camp stations as opposed to fight cosmic wars on multiple fronts. It'll literally turn into Star Trek online within weeks after release. A free, finished game that actually has fun somewhere in the grind.

literally wat

I was making fun of him for implying those guys genuinely believed the "haters" were as bad as antivaxxers, what gaymer spergery are you going on about, do you think I know or give a shit at all about this game?

It's funny because the behavior of anti-Star Citizen people is exactly like that of Flat Earthers.

Somebody has to start forcibly imprisoning gamers in hard labor camps

The only thing this "project" is good for is the social experiment showing how truly gullible g*mers are

/r/starcitizen is so bad you should change your link to top, as controversial is almost entirely the voices of reason being downvoted.

Someone predicts that the article will make Star Citizen fans seethe. >SC backers proceed to prove him right.

literally no one could have predicted this.

as high as $24,000"

If you dropped 24,000 on this game you deserve no refund, you deserve to be executed for being so fucking retarded.

A comparison:

Star Citizen development begins in 2011

Kickstarter announced in 2012

Planned release in 2014

First module released in 2013 lets you play with your model ship

Second module released gives basic combat gameplay

Entirely new FPS game called Star Marine announced, to be a new part of the overall experience

A single player campaign called Squadron 42 is to be released in 2017

First DLC ship offered for sale, not actually in game yet

Game is not released in 2014

2015 begins with more DLC

First major patch released, allowing you to fly around a small area in a ship

More DLC

2 more patches

Controversy after prominent backer has account deleted after writing critical blog posts

Refund policy revised

The Escapist writes critical articles, is threatened by lawyers

Game is not released in 2015

A massive amount of patches in 2016 bring hope to a soon release

Major patch announced that would massively improve the game and make future releases easier

Patch not released

Terms of service changed to make refunds harder to obtain

Star Marine released after major development issues, has almost no content

More DLC released

Patch announced to be split into multiple smaller patches

Game is not released in 2016

More patches and DLC released in early 2017

Over a year late the first part of the mega patch is released

Squadron 42 is not released

After engine change, CIG is sued by CryTek

Game is not released in 2017

2018 brings a 2020 launch date announcment

Refund policy changed to 14 days after purchase

More patches released, game still far from feature complete

More DLC released

VR support added

CIG attempts to charge for their annual livestream, doesn't after protests

CIG removes the cap on in-game currency

Game not released in 2018


Elite Dangerous announced in 2012 Kickstarter

Alpha released in 2013

Beta released in 2014

Game released in 2014 6 months behind schedule

Minor protesting over online requirment

Mac and Xbox versions released in 2015

Steam support and VR added in 2015

First expansion Horizons announced

Horizons released 2016

PS4 version released in 2017

That degree finally paying off

I am a bot. Contact for questions

elite is eurotruck simulator in the space tho, is boring as fuck

you're not wrong. it's pretty sweet though if you have a VR setup, it's great for landing on a moon somewhere and sitting in your ship smoking a joint and enjoying the view.

Fucking KSP came out the same year with a team of incompetent Mexicans and is pretty much perfectly finished.

/u/bar10dr2 why is your entire post history cope. play a cheaper game

why do you put so much effort into posting nigga