I got banned so I'm using an alt

20  2019-05-08 by DoctorAgentHobbes

your move janitors



thanks i crave validation

He meant NEET.

Imagine having a punishment fetish, but on Reddit...

This comment has ruined my day.

Wow, amazing plan there son.

Based and dramapilled, fellow altchad

Living on the edge.

ban 90% of the agendaposters at a snail pace, allowing them to casually make alts with none of the self-owning comment history

congratulations jannies, you played yourself

browsing someone’s post history

Nah my friend, you are the faggot

being unaware of /u/userleansbot

yikes sweaty



Was getting caught part of your plan?

Why does he wear the mask?!


Don't be such a little bitch, you gotta delete your accounts about every 8 months. I've gone through 5 approvedcel accounts already.