MTG players whine about the horrors of *gasp*😰 showering.

25  2019-05-08 by Ghdust2


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Don't be rude to smelly people, they might be depressed.

Also, thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Real talk though, the Smash tourney I went to had what I can only describe as a putrid death scent that made me believe the rotting trenches of WW1 were placed in a bowl under my nose.

Those fuckers are smelly.

Keep in mind that OP is also a card tard so this is a glass house situation. It's like a moron calling and idiot stupid.

It's not often a MTG player finds someone lower than them on the social rankings. I say we let them enjoy their brief moment in the sun.

Not too long tho. You don't want it to start thinking it's people or something.

The same thing for any congregation of gamers. If you've ever been to a fighting games tournament you will know what I'm talking about. Especially smash players 😷

Remember when it smelled bad enough at a smash tournament that no one smelled a crab.

As a MTG player (shameful I know), most of the people at my local game shop smell fucking awful.

I am also a shameful cardfag. My LGS has gotten so smelly that I mostly stay home and play Arena.


I prefer the term “cardshitter” personally

Showers are neonazi dogwhistles

Did you unearth an old shitty bait post from aita? Theres plenty of new bait there every hour you idiot

This is a month old and was already posted here


I want mandatory showers for gamers so the Supreme Court can take up the case and mandate stank free zones across the country.

what if the guy is homeless? then he wouldn't be able to shower. this might be the only thing he can do for fun

Lol being into cardshit and homeless? There are people who pay top dollar for printed cardboard creatures

of course reddit takes the side of feces man lmao

that should tell u the degenerates on reddit