I’m in a crisis. Trans Girlfriend is making me (cis girl) feel guilty and terrible- I thought I could be the strong support system I’ve read about but I just can’t.

48  2019-05-08 by Blackwidowdies19


Holy shit does longpostbot need to get a travel visa

It would be instantly banned from just about every "serious" sub

True, but imagine the drama it would generate in the process!

The NHS need you to be mentally stable before you can get hormones. My partner's depression makes that difficult

Trannies and mental stability. Is there a less iconic pair?

The NHS need you to be mentally stable before you can get hormones. My partner's depression makes that difficult

Wow that top reply to her is actually really good. Never thought I'd agree with GC on anything other than the drama they create

I’m actually a huge supporter of trans rights but I agree

im not a racist but

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Girls boyfriend went trans, now she feels oppressed in her relationship and is going full terf

Yikes we know how that plays out, isn't that what happened in CO?

That was a ftm

No it wasn't it was MtF some troll was spreading disinfo in the /r/drama thread about it

I've been heckin bamboozle

now i dont know what to believe

one of the suspects, apparently the younger of the two, was born male but identified as female and had been bullied for it.

yeah but those are just letters you typed on the internet

my boyfriend came out as trans

I love her

Can you cracker mayos get anymore stupider? Wtf is wrong with whites? Come to a black hood and see what happens if you be trans 😂😂😂

There was a FaceApp thread on /int/ the other night and it turns out I'd make for a pretty girl so I'm getting my dick cut off soon. I imagine most other trannys started out the same way.

Yo you gonna be in Baltimore or dc anytime soon? You can meet my crew

no im gonna be stuck selling my bussy for the next few months until i can afford the surgery. maybe after that tho xx

Keep it in mind. Well give a you a real good time many tolerant niggas around here


Who, who are you and what have you done with u/TaysSecondGussy ?

That nigga is still around

Why have you taken his name! 😠

I fuckin hate you honkies but you bitches come up with some good users names



Thanks home boy


Ashamed to admit it but the foid is apparently curry. A truly disappointing day for curries everywhere

Curries should stick to putting towels on their heads

I was just about to say the same thing my nigga. Glad to finally see another real nigga from the hood 'round these parts keeping it real ya feel me my nigga? These mayos be straight TRIPPIN 😂😂😂 Now let's get some Pop Eyes.

Not many Popeyes in Baltimore unfortunetly. I gotta go up the mandawmin mall to get some but that place is shitty

this is one of the most degenerate things i've ever read on reddit and that's saying a lot.

Holy fuck how many trans people are on reddit?

All of the them

There's a lot to unpack here and I don't think I can really do your post justice. I think you could really benefit from some lgbt-informed counseling.

Name one good thing that has come from white people born after the year 1975


not using xvideos and permanently storing downloaded 360p videos to your hard drive in the year of our Lord 2019

storing the evidence that you like prolapse scat trap videos on your hard drive for your family to find when you finally use your exit bag, inshallah allahu akbar

I have no funky fetishes to be embarrassed about. Don't care whether it's black, white, Asian, Latino, Indian, etc. The only thing that matters is that there's a Louisville Slugger up her poop hole.


🤮 🤮 🤮

Sorry I meant to say mtf trannies

Thank goodness. She/her are literally triggering slurs, tyvm


Try again

There's a lot to unpack here

Lmao they can't not say that

they have to unpack their panties so..

There's a lot to unpack here and I don't think I can really do your post justice. I think you could really benefit from some lgbt-informed counseling

First sentence of the first comment and i already want to off myself.

Why are you cracka ass mayos so fucked in the head

Yikes, sweaty!!!

I'm not reading a fucking essay. I love the mod tag though.