black daddy addresses the soy question within the black community

54  2019-05-08 by Sea_Safe


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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If women can drive then men can twerk. Inshallah.

Tariq no!

Based Tariq as always. You missed that niggas even better tweet below

“Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan nicknamed their beautiful Black baby boy “Archie”. They could have given him a stronger name like “Maurice”.

He definitely has an alt here

How the fuck is that baby black? No honestly explain to me at what point is a guy considered black? 10%? Because I think I might get some oppression points here.

Nigga don’t question Tariq

I'm sorry my sweet chocolate prince. 💔🍫😣

Das right

Based and Bussypilled

That is a man who has yet to wash his ass.

This twerking black male is the embodiment of the modern African-American man. Stay bussy poppin' my brothas!

Looks like a member of the GNAA