Oppressive White Mods of SRD Ban Migrant for Standing up to Mayo Nonsense.

64  2019-05-09 by WarSanchez


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Got banned as well. SRDine fragility is real.

Was banned last time. Don't even remember now. It's good to know this sub is unironically .ore diverse than SRD, CTH, AHS, TMOR, etc.


I too was banned for showing my support for Mayocide.

Wow, SRD is white supremacy sub confirmed.

Only oppressive mayo nazis would ban a minority waman for speaking out against mayos 😒

This but unironically

I haven't been banned for that yet but perhaps it's just wasn't noticed. My time will come.

Join the club. I was banned for saying masterlawlz was autistic

Thats the least controversial statement ever written

I called them ableist for banning him. Maybe that was it.

I caught one for pinging.

This is a scientific fact

I was banned for saying “dude bussy lmao.” Absolutely homophobic.

I got banned for making fun of a Y'all poster. What was I supposed to do?

My last account was banned for saying I benefitted from Trumps tax cuts.

Granted they were having a fuck anyone who makes more than 35k circleherk. But still

but who cares?

I was banned for suggesting that if the Admins nuked our homeland here we’d move over there.

This is institutional racism.

They hated him because he told them the truth