Some poor fool is about to get his life ruined over a pol meme

157  2019-05-09 by Oh_hamburgers_


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Turning the OK sign into a white power thing is both the most retarded and ingenious thing 4chan has done.

And I hate them for it.

It's the dumbest fucking thing, but it actually worked. I can't tell who's more retarded, 4chan or the people freaking out about the hand signal.

Not 4chan, sadly. People bought in, wrote articles, and refused to back down. They made it real.

Its the whole Milk = White power thing all over again, or Pepe becoming a registered Hate speech symbol...

And pol's trying to make the rainbow flag the next hate symbol. If they can pull that one off that would be glorious for dramacoin.

I’m investing

Our autists got nothing on what they’ve managed to weaponize over there tbh

Remember ‘he will not divide us’ too?

That would be the best because it'd cause a ton of lefty infighting. Until now they've all just been happy to give nazis whatever they claimed ownership of. The rainbow flag would actually make some of them go "wait maybe we're retarded"

The word salad community stole it from the Cooperative Movement so it’s entirely plausible.

That would be really funny.

I can't tell who's more retarded, 4chan or the people freaking out about the hand signal.

i mean its still not actually a white power thing thats why its so funny

Yes it is, Nazi

yeah sure

but this guy was definitely pulling the "you look and I get to give you one free punch" gesture

Yeah that’s what I thought at first too, didn’t look like the type to be in on a 4chan thing

It's not, lol. A couple fringe cases don't override its universal and decades-old meaning of just being "OK."

Was all a ploy to get the circle game outlawed.

Na, "it's OK to be white" is their magnum opus psyop

They can thank Brenton Tarrant most of all, for bringing it to widespread awareness. That fucker also ruined the Remove Kebab and Navy Seal Copypasta memes.

I don't hate the chans for it, I hate the idiots who fell for it. Imagine being so gullible and fragile that you would think a hand signal that has traditionally meant "OK" or been used in a silly game is suddenly a scary KKK/Neo-Nazi secret code. It won't be long before someone tricks those idiots into believing Ho-Hos are the secret food of the alt-right because the "HH" for Ho-hos secretly means "Heil Hitler."

It's happening to a cubs fan, so i don't see the issue

cubs fan

Woah there, we suspect he's retarded but he could have been rooting for the other team.

Tuesday night’s game at Wrigley Field against the Miami Marlins


literally wearing a cubs hoodie

could have been rooting for the other team

Is this a false flag operation 🤔

I didn't watch or read anything before commenting

Atta boy

baseballed and redpilled

cubs baseball fan

Dw, i only watch the highlights ofc

Baseball is really just an excuse to drink bear and eat unhealthy food away from foids, no one watches the stupid game.

“From its adoption first by white nationalists, and then by 4chan trolls intent on ‘triggering the libs,’ the well-known hand signal’s use points to deeper concerns,” the legal advocacy group wrote in September 2018. “The smirk gives away the proper answer: You’re being trolled.

Trolling is now a hate crime

first by white nationalists, and then by 4chan trolls

Huh, an advocacy group known for lying saying the exact opposite of what happened. Whodda thunk it?

What's fucked is that the ADL actually points out it started as a hoax on 4chan. Even the goddam ADL knows it's a hoax and yet all these dumbshits keep falling for this.

Journalists being retarded. Who woulda guessed?

At least they’re receiving monetary compensation for their efforts.

The problem is that journalism rewards retardation. Being able to write really stupid shit that will get clicks for just being absurd and having the plausible deniablility of just actually being stupid enough to fall for literally everything is a huge plus for click bait authors.

triggering the libs

If it didn't work so god damned well people would probably stop doing it.

The FIRST piece of advice when dealing with bullies is to not let them see how badly they effect you.

I guess it's just more evidence that these shitlibs are still being victimized by their memories of Timmy stealing their favorite pencil.

These journos were never bullied. Being back bullying.


Bully: "You know that pink shirt makes you look retarded"


Bully: Wow that was easy

Bully: "You know walking around in see through leggings with your tits hanging out is kinda slutty"



Ok wtf is up with that text

Get a better mobile app lol.

lol who the fuck would download a reddit app? I just used the desktop site on mobile

That is so much worse than an app. You might as well browse by email.

Imagine being a phoneposter

it was an ipad

ruins your own life and doxs self to be racist to a stranger for popularity on an anonymous internet forum

heh, I triggered the liberals

You say that like them ruining their lives and doxing themselves is a bad thing.

This is good for the mayocide.



Uncle Tom

He's literally doing the ball gazing thing.

Has no one heard about this game before? Maybe it's only a Midwest thing.

I dunno, I see it mentioned a lot online but we didn't have it in Oregon when I was a kid.

We didn't do the "ball gazer" thing. We just punched each other.

Is punch each other slang for sucking each other off where you are from?



And we had to have it touching our leg or it didnt count. You couldn't just throw it out like he did all willy nilly. There were rules, and regulations and 2 for flinching. These kids just throwing it out trying to be edgy. It's gay planking.

From that city, did it a lot with my cousins and friends growing up. Local media is eating it up though so he might be kinda fucked lol

He might lose his job over this bullshit

Yeah, that's what this is. This poor fucker has to go around hitting a bunch of people in the arm, now.

We used to play it as kids in Argentina. It was in A Malcom in the Middle episode too, might've been how it got here.

All my friends used to do this to me all the time but I'm also from the Midwest.


It was a thing in my school and it was essentially on the other side of the world from you

I'm going to start doing this hand signal everywhere now just to fuck with liberals. And I'm not white so they won't know what to think.

Uncle tom

And I'm not white

Send black bussy to prove it.

Dude bussy lmao

I would but I was banned last time I posted it for "shitposting"

They will just call you a house nigger or an ally to racists.

For their next prank, 4chan should try to solve global warming.

/pol/ doesn't believe in global warming lmao

Yeah but /AN/ does. Bless that comfy board.

They should solve it just to prove that it doesn't exist and own the libs.

I'd love to see the look of shock on those stupid lib's faces when the guy they banned for life was just a retard and not really a white supremacist.

People like that usually don’t care about collateral damage.

theyll never find out and they wouldnt care anyway

That's not even the 👌 gesture tho. This one's the one where if you look at it you become gay and have to receive a punch in the arm.

If your ✋ is bigger than your 😐 you have AIDS

Can't believe anyone ever falls for that. Everyone knows if your hand is bigger it's that you have cancer, fuckin idiots.

the Circle Game

Serves him right for even considering entering wrigleyville. Garbage place.

>could be banned for life from Wrigley Field

so they're going to improve his life?

Imagine watching baseball in the current year +5

I hope this becomes a new Era, BC to AD to CY+

Man I go to a rockies game once or twice a year when I visit my friends and family in Denver and I'll be goddamned if I don't have a great time each time. Tickets are like 12 bucks, I'm with my friends, there's a lot of cute boys, the stalls in the upper-deck johns are big enough to beat off in without smacking the metal side wall, etc.

Ohh, I love baseball. Wrigley just sucks because it's ancient and decrepit but everyone pretends it's awesome because T R A D I T I O N.

I havent been. I imagine you'd get shot or impaled by rebar.

It's not really that bad, there have been renovations but it's just seats and steps, what do the "advanced" stickball stadiums have? Heated seats?

The ability to actually see the game from all of the seats, mostly

Lol, do you actually watch the game while you're there? Have you been to a baseball game before?

triggering the libs

They said the line

It's OVER for sportcells

I'm pretty sure I've gotta find this dude and let him punch me now


I wish people would realize they are manifesting their own destiny by overreacting to every fucking thing.

life ruined

banned from shit tier stadium


The real reason he’s in trouble is because he got many people to look at it and everyone’s pissed without them realizing high school ended a long time ago.

This is awesome. HONK HONK!

Journalists deserve to be a protected class and receive government benefits due to their retardation.

Man, this troll has gotten some seriously incredible mileage. The okay sign/circle game may legitimately become taboo.