Famous deformity Warwick Davis picks fight with the hacker known as 4chan

16  2019-05-09 by sokolovez

Warwick Davis, actor and 3'6" man (a word used here quite liberally) who killed two of his children simply by bringing about their existence with his tainted seed, regularly fights the good fight on twitter to improve the standing of little "people." Because he lives in a failed nation, his legal threats actually may have some standing when applied to other subjects of the crown, but he recently encountered a years old stale pasta from 4chan which reads:

I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and choking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

After he was rebuffed by 4chan admins (who may or may not do it for free) he aired his grievance with a tweet only to later delete it after realizing it made him a target for the internet hate machine and its stale and fresh pasta garnished with low effort threats, with all of this proving that manlets will never learn.


classic britbong mistake, assuming the police will show up at your door because you said a no-no word.

the UK is literally a police state, rip

I visited Britbong land recently and got into an argument at some bar in London. The fucker couldn’t comprehend why I would want to carry a leatherman or similar multitool. He kept circling back to, “but the police will confiscate it, you don’t need such a thing, it looks scary.”

The UK is like a overbred chihuahua. Shaking and pissing itself over everything.

God, I love being an American.


I had to go to battlefield Vegas and go chill regard from a gunship to cleanse then Britbong from my body.

I can find no fault with your logic, sir. I'd absolutely love to see what said Britbong would say about my EDC loadout, including carry piece, spare mags, Leatherman, and Swiss Army knife.

carry piece

This is known to cause trauma and cope to 80% of Californians.

Yeah, but I'm an American, so I don't care what foreigners think. Commiefornians, New Jersians, Brtibongs, New Yorkers, fuck 'em all.


Midgets can never truly die, because they aren't truly human.

They're the end result of a human soul that's been sold to the Devil.

When the Devil buys a soul, He sucks out all the good parts and discards the empty husk.

That empty husk, finding no home in Heaven or Hell, then returns to Earth in the form of a midget.

Midgets aren't born, you'll never see a baby midget, they spring "fully" formed from the ether.

And they never truly die. When their bodies are eventually destroyed, that empty husk simply reforms as a new midget somewhere else on Earth.

They retain no memories of the prior life as a human or their twisted half lives as midgets.

this is a truth everyone should know