Your friendly neighborhood Game of Thrones correspondent here! There will be no drama this Sunday because Gregor will fight Sandor giving the fans 'Cleganebowl' - and they will all be happy (apart from complaining about spoilers when our posts hit /r/all.)

15  2019-05-09 by SandorClegane_AMA


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I hate cloakshit now

None is more accursed that one who attempts to be the Hypeslayer.

The fuck is this.

People have been talking about this shit for years.

I hope it fucking sucks lmao

Nothing will please them. Never seen cloakshitters this triggered. Some will probably off themselves after the final.

I hope the hound leads arya to king's landing, and then he finds his brother and they both run train on Arya.

That would subvert my expectations, which means they have to do it.

I would pay an unreasonable amount of money to go 48 hours without hearing anything about cloakshit or capeshit

thrones ends in 9 days. No Star Wars next year, and the MCU slate is a little light in 2020/2021.

So your dream may come true.