Weekly dose of CB2 butthurt

25  2019-05-09 by TomatoShock


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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millions of MAGA hat shooters


Nubahs hard and misogynist

That top comment 🤢 Jesus Christ Reddit

Grow a sense of humor /u/MissMarinette


It’s a hate sub that needs to be banned. It’s recruitment ground for far right hate groups and neo nazis.

read other posts from that "person".

absolute retard lmao

Cope. I wish we could ban circlebrokers from existence.

I feel personally attacked.

I'd hope so

Are they attacking OUR trannies ?! AHS get in there, transphobic hate crimes in progress!

It’s recruitment ground for far right hate groups and neo nazis.

I know, I keep getting the newsletters from Daily Stormer that you automatically get subbed to when you comment here. Shit ya'll when does it stop

yesterday i posted bussy now i hate the jews

Nobody loved getting fucked in the butt more than Hitler #gays4gas

Hi there,

Have any of you heard about the Jewish Question?

And did you know that as a white person you have a proud inherited history?

Under eighteen and want to know more? DM me pictures of your toes.


I think that Dramacels are actually the lowest of the low amongst Redditors. As we all know, they have some stiff competition.

I just hate the way that they are so obviously alt-right freaks, yet try to brush off their beliefs with an element of "we take the piss out of everyone".

Wait until the "drama" involves non-whites, LGBT people, or feeeeeeemales, and then you see these nasty little alt-right incels showing their true colours with excessively vitriolic commentary.

Why are you linking circlebroke 2 on circlebroke 3

This bait has been in the sun too long.


No need, your hot takes keep me warm and fuzzy

I agree, I am the only interesting thing left on this shit-show of a subforum

Mmhmm mmhmm

circlebroke3 is srd. This is circlebroke 4.

They make fun of drama but they're basically subhuman gussypilled walking ad hominems