Salty r/Chapotraphouse user makes a subreddit to crosspost and twist people's words to make them look bad, and bans and accuses all opposition of being alt accounts and nazis

35  2019-05-09 by _Green_Shadow123


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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They appropriated our culture 😠😠😠


The mayo-man has come to our lands and stolen what is rightfully ours.

Every time.

even used the m word


Is this like FWR 2.0?

Basically, except this one isn't satirical

I thought FWR was where people went to seethe after affirmative action was brought up in a discussion about privilege.

It's really just an anti-white hate subreddit. It's supposed to be satirical, but it's not. It's where all the people who hate whites go to rant about them under the guise of "satire"

Almost all the people there are probably mayos themselves.


That’s adorable.

They're sad pathetic losers


So like r/Drama but with actuall baning?

No, kinda like r/FragileWhiteRedditor but worse

Ninety-five percent of LGBTQ youth report trouble sleeping at night

Imagine how productive retards like these would be if they had a dad growing up to point their autistic obsessiveness towards something like programming or woodworking

Yup, instead they spend their time crying about white people and stalking users for disagreeing with them

I bet you’ve worked some wood in your day. Alone in your bedroom. A place no woman will ever set foot. Probably while watching BBC porn.

why are apes allowed to post on reddit, mods are slacking

Post hog chud

Haha, you came? Salty libcuck. Alone in my bedroom? A place no woman will ever set foot? I'm married, numskull. What're you gonna do. Post me on your braindead subreddit? Hahaha, gtfo fuckin loser XD

You’re married? Haha. To who? Your alt, Ela? Virgins are hilarious.

Aw, what's the matter? Getting called out made you salty? Aww, poor thing. Next time don't be a demented piece of shit and this won't happen

Imagine being this retarded. The BBC doesn't even make porn, you mongrel. 🙄🙄

Wow. That was the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.