Adzm00 sorts out this fascist gamer in r/unitedkingdom

9  2019-05-09 by Standard12


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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u/adzm00 how would libertarian fascism work? Is that just society holding you to certain standards while not prosecuting you?

Britbongs deserve everything their government does to them


That subreddit is the UK Chapter of Chapo.

you are also a gamer, so one can only assume since you hold far right, sexist and possibly racist views,

These people are literal memes.

i'm sorry but in that case they are absolutely correct

So your response here made me curious to check your post history, as I had instantly made an assumption based upon your post.

My assumption was as you want to try bring into question if I actually know what a fascist is, that you are doing that because you are being defensive, probably because you hold a lot of far right and reactionary opinions yourself.

I also thought, I should not just make an assumption about you, which is why I went to your profile and started reading your comments. From reading your comments it reinforced my assumption, you hold far right views, you've been called out for racism but I didn't bother reading the thread to find out if you actually are.

But you are also a gamer, so one can only assume since you hold far right, sexist and possibly racist views, that you are a little minion of carl the fascist prick.

So the defensiveness around me calling him a fascist was no doubt due to the fact you understand its associations and you would rather not be tarred as such, yet you hold many similar views to cocksmoker of sargon or whatever the fuck.

The alternative path here is for you to grow up a bit, for you to be a little less bitter and hostile towards women. The worldview of people like Carl is absolutely fucked. If you think Nazis came to the doors say "hey we are gonna kill the Jews, you wanna support us" then you are confused, fascists don't say they are fascists, they don't tell you that you are supporting fascism. Go read up on the history of propaganda in 1940's Germany and get back to me. You'll see striking similarities.

top tier copy-pasta right here

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