Mayo platitudes > sound psychological advice

8  2019-05-09 by CommissarCrocodile


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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'living with constant anxiety' Sure there pal, that's why you're describing the development of anorexia

That is sound psychological advice, you ignorant dipshit.

How? 'Control what you can control' seems innocent and positive, but the mentality of it really isn't. When you're in a place in your life where everything seems out of control, you try to reclaim some semblance of control in other aspects of your life. For many people, I agree, this is positive, but when it comes to people with mental disorders (as the post suggests) they aren't just going to clean their room. They're gonna stop eating for that sense of control, start abusing substances, or other reactions.

It's a bs karma-whoring platitude for IG saltines to share

It's the advice that any reasonably competent psychologist would give you, and is pretty much the basis for cognitive behavioral therapy, you uneducated cretin.

Just because you prefer your own brand of half-baked made-up pseudopsychological bullshit doesn't actually make it real or true.

I actually don't disagree that the sentiment is wrong. CBT is also a great program, but it doesn't teach platitudes, it teaches specific actions. Telling people to 'just control what you can hun 🤗' is counterproductive.

cock and ball torture is a good program

mirror mirror on the wall can you torture cock and ball

I kinda agree with you both. The intent and message seem to be genuinely positive but it really isn't a healthy mindset. There were a few comments that mentioned practicing Stoicism which would be a better advice than "Control what you can control" since the latter is somewhat cynical.

Yeah that's what I think u/polinvictusrisen was getting at, I agree.

Yeah, I think this is what u/polinvictusrisen was getting at, I agree.

Platitudes can fuck off, self-discipline is vital.

Fuck you and fuck your mental illness meme you pathetic larping faggot

Mayos continue to be pussies. What else is new