[🐴 👞 🐴 👞 🐴 👞] Chapo STEM school 🏫 shooter was a bully

61  2019-05-11 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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Chapo STEM school 🏫 shooter was a bully


Is this an mtf or ftm tranny

No idea, but Erikson’s partner was definitely a drama mod:

Erickson, 18, and a juvenile, who police identify as a girl but who prefers male pronouns, are accused of entering the K-12 school with handguns Tuesday. NBC News is not identifying the juvenile suspect.

This is gonna turn out to be some bullshit like she identifies as a he\him girl.

its an im a boy but i want to go to girl prison so i dont get raped

as much

So mentally ill, got it

I'm a transwoman who prefers male pronouns.


MtF? Never heard of it

Depends on what day of the week the article gets written

The suspected shooter, Devon Erickson, "would whisper, like get really close and kinda put his arm around you, and whisper in your ear, ‘don’t come to school tomorrow,'" former student Kevin Cole said.

Lmao sounds just like an edgy Chapo poster

*Pinches your arm

Whispers, “This is for the revolution chud”

“Post hog”




"Something about baseball"

it was just a joke chuds JEEZ


It's painfully obvious that all school shooters are bullies who pretend to be victims. The mayoid cries out in pain as he strikes you

That is pretty typical for school shooters tbh. The portrayal of school shooters as bullied is problematic, it turns into another thing that bullies use against bullies people actually. 'Oh your not gonna shoot up the school are you because of my bullying?' When in fact the bullies are the ones who do this shit.

The suspected shooter, Devon Erickson, "would whisper, like get really close and kinda put his arm around you, and whisper in your ear, ‘show hog, chud.'"

We should try really hard to stick the name “chapo shooter”

Imagine trying

imagine being bullied by a tranny thats embarassing


Why am I not surprised that some Karen named her kid that and he went on to shoot up a school.

Imagine naming your child after the shittiest part of England

Thats a funny way to spell Burton

Let's be honest though, it's really anywhere which isn't the home counties

She even has the emo boy's haircut.


It's interesting because one of his teachers said he was a great kid and was their favorite student.

I don't know if the thumbnail is the same for anyone else, but to me it looks like a guy with a banana for a dick.

Erickson, 18, and a juvenile, who police identify as a girl but who prefers male pronouns,
