If I am made a full moderator, I will, aided by the mods I will add, scour this sub to remove all criticism of the award winning TV show, Game of Thrones.

9  2019-05-11 by SandorClegane_AMA


Jews did this


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begging to do it for free

more cucked than Jorah (who is a shit character btw)

No, HBO shill and proud of it.

Just wait until Amazon fucks up the Wheel of Time tv adaptation.

STFU nerd.

Thinly veiled requests to clean up shit for free are more embarrassing than blatant ones

Yeah if you see any of those thinly veiled requests, give 'em hell kiddo!

I seed bootleg copies of GoT episodes but I change the file out with CP.

That's not possible, it would invalidate the torrent.

I make the seed, donkey brains.

/u/KungFuManBearPig possesses child porn, questions other peoples intelligence.

That doesn't even make sense.

It's ok that you don't know how torrents work and you just download your entertainment for free, denying the hard working people of HBO their income, but don't try and come at me to make yourself feel better.

You distribute child porn, but wildly accuse strangers of copyright infringement, bringing financial ruin to subsidiary of AT&T?

You are like Bill Cosby "He rapes, but he saves."

It isn't a "wild accusation" I can see you connected to me in the peer list.

Listen boomer, the cool kids just stream shit these days. It's probably the people who run the pizza place in DC, because they heard you share the good shit via peer-to-peer.

The download stats beg to differ with your assertion.

Maybe you should try and watch a good TV show instead?

I support this. This subreddit needs to be a safe place for the fans to discuss their favorite moments in the latest episode of HBO's smash hit Game of Thrones, new episode airing this Sunday at 9/8c. Also streaming on your favorite device on HBO GO®, a true bargain at only $14.99/mo.

Game of thrones sucks lol

Not being an approved submitter though, what's that like?

I wouldn't know lol

If appointed mod, would you compromise your integrity by recommending subredditdrama or stand silently consenting while others do so? If so you, sir, are not the mod for me or this constituency.

I got banned for calling a guy who wants /r/Drama banned a lolcow. /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK did that.

I empathize with your no doubt unjust banning. I also confess TITCJ is a great big ol' mass of faggotry and not in a good way.

However, we the public need to know: do you disavow /r/subredditdrama and all her works?