Orthodox-let gets BTFO.

14  2019-05-11 by SandorClegane_AMA


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Benโ€™s wife is a doctor. Can Oswald say the same?

Oswaltโ€™s wife was the honored recipient of a lifetime supply of murder.

She works as a worm feeder now.

Why hasn't Patton Oswalt received justice for murdering his wife? Or is being a fat manlet punishment enough for uxoricide?

Did he really murder her or are we being ironic here? there's absolutely no report on that except for one post on r/conspiracy

Patton likes to drug women and edge himself as he watches them slip into the void

Nigga murdered his bitch?

As retarded as Ben is, at least he didn't murder his wife ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ

Ootl, pls enlighten me?

Patton Oswalt, renowned murderer, got tired of his wife so he murdered her with fentanyl (literally fentanyl, it was in the coroner's report) and promptly remarried a slightly prettier version of his now murdered wife.

repugnant Islamophobia

I mean I'm gay I don't want to be shot in a gay club but sure


gussy ๐Ÿคฎ


Does he hate black people?

I rate this tweet 3/10

Watching all these Twitter lefties get uncomfortably close to calling Ben Shapiro โ€œa fucking k*keโ€ is top-tier Drama.

Patton ๐Ÿ‘ Oswalt ๐Ÿ‘ murdered ๐Ÿ‘ his ๐Ÿ‘ wife

Fat and short wife killer mocking short kike
