r/conservative can’t handle that facts don’t care about their feelings.

77  2019-05-11 by Ghdust2


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


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people should not have to constantly defend their past comments that they have disavowed themselves.

u/Dagrr you're sure about this?

I think so. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him say that these were things he wrote when he was a younger man and they were dumb. People grow up and change and realize that they weren’t as smart as they thought they were a few years back. I’ve certainly got things in my past that I wouldn’t want to have constantly brought up because I was a stupid kid and I know it.

Now if he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with his past quotes than this doesn’t apply. But I do think we should give people the benefit of the doubt and let them grow past their mistakes.

I think it's worth questioning how anybody could have been that stupid. Certainly not worth throwing a hissy fit over. Certainly not worth defending that hissy fit, eh?

People grow up and change and realize that they weren’t as smart as they thought they were a few years back.

Ben Shapiro is not the kind of guy that ever has, or ever will, realize he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

I agree with you, he definitely thinks his crap doesn’t stink. And Ben handled the situation completely wrong and he deserves all the bad publicity that he’s going to get from this.

It is worth questioning how could anyone have been that stupid as well. I just think we need to let people grow up and change. The political climate right now consists of people going way back and digging up all the bad things people have said in their past and using that against them. Sometimes for good reason and sometimes not (this being the age of social media helps that since the internet makes everything permanent). Point is we’re all human and we all make mistakes and (hopefully) get better from them. I don’t know how useful it is for either side to go back in dig up stuff that has been apologized for just for some gotcha moments on TV.

I just think we need to let people grow up and change.

Okay, fair enough. I just don't think that's applicable to Ben Shapiro, particularly not to this situation. I think that's what capthazelwoodsflask was getting at. It was the context you made this statement in.

It's not like... I don't know, James Gunn formerly being an edgelord. I think it's perfectly fair to question Gunn about that, but also reasonable to accept that he actually was an idiot and actually has reformed.

But I don't think it's reasonable to think the same of Shapiro here and now. And probably ever.

Agreed and context is important for sure. I was more trying to point out that I wouldn’t want bad stuff from my past constantly being brought up (if I had actually changed my views or repented of my ways) and since Ben or anyone else is a human just like me I don’t want to do that to them either.

You are absolutely right as well that there are exceptions to what I said above and sometimes we need to remember peoples past comments. This might be one of those cases since these past comments are in conflict with some of the stuff that are in Bens book (this was pointed out to me in another thread).

The only thing stopping Benny from growing up and changing is itself.


Do you think it's unfair to use people's past and current behavior as a judge of character?

Same question to /u/jwt155 and /u/skarface6

Look you are obviously some kind of chapo, do you have any idea who i am? i dont have to deal with this shit and im done with you.

Do you know who I am is seriously the shittiest reasons a person can give to something, I have no idea why so many wannabes do it.

OH SHIT QUICK MAKE A "LOICENSE" JOKE!! Haha phew that was a close one lol Brits BTFO!!!!!

This cracked me up^

Oii bruv ugota loicence to bring up these tweets?

It's common ettiquette when someone is brought on to promote their book/movie/music that the network is supposed to help promote their work and have a positive conversation.

"What is the BBC?"


It's common ettiquette when someone is brought on to promote their book/movie/music that the network is supposed to help promote their work and have a positive conversation.

Oh so we're okay with media shilling for someone, as in taking an impartial stance?

I thought if Benji could defend himself properly there, he would gain more respect and recognition like he wanted.

u/jwt155, surely we should not forfeit our personal responsibility like that?

Ben is pretty smart... [c]onsidering how [BBC] edit interviews to make conservatives look bad

Well, Benji is smart enough for u/Giga-Wizard, apparently, given this take.

conservatives can't handle

top thread is everyone agreeing Ben did not handle himself well

Title doesn't match what's happening. Your agenda post is slacking. 😴😴😴

Who is Ben Sharpio anyway?

The bill in Georgia is the most restrictive legislation ever passed in abortion in human history, no third world shit hole literally proposes to execute women because they aborted a rape seed with no brain waves. The American right is uniquely sadistic and barbaric. Literally the nazis were not this right wing in women's rights. They executed no woman for aborting something without brain waves.