/r/conspiracy argues about abortions, 11 year olds being forced to keep rape babies, and if aborted babies go to "heaven" all over.

19  2019-05-11 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Conservatives; No abortion is wrong no matter what!


Thank you for supporting LIFE and TRUTH on this thread!

Because of money, there's more money in abortions and selling baby parts to big-pharm than just handing out morning-after pills. That's all this is about, more jobs and more income.

imagine thinking that doctors are harvesting baby parts to sell to drug companies

fentanyl-americans need to lay off the drugs for a bit

Conservatives support forcing women to give birth to their rape seed, what a surprise. They want to execute women who do not consent to this like in Georgia, which has the harshest abortion restriction ever passed in the history of the world.

You're sort of boring

Nothing will ever be enough for pro rape rightists

People make fun of /r/politics and HP politics but being anti choice is literally believing in the magical train station with dumbledore in the afterlife but even more retarded.

Read another book.

That reminds me i should re read HP because i only read that shit once, maybe i will start referencing it more too.