Ameriburger discovers synonyms for the first time: immediately uses them to negate the Holocaust, pissing off Jerries and other reasonable individuals.

12  2019-05-12 by le_epic_xd_part_2


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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I just saw The Long Night, and it was pretty good, but there were a few weird things.

I thought it was strange how D & D decided to render the Night King’s erect penis in such vivid detail. The veins were so perfectly done I couldn’t even tell his cock wasn’t real.

Another thing I found weird was when Grey Worm broke the fourth wall and gave the audience the n-word pass. I did appreciate it, but it would feel more in place in the books.

Overall, it was still excellent, but I think that they definitely need to reconsider some things.


Ausrottung, Vernichtung, Liquidierung, Ausmerzung, Sonderbehandlung,

Extermination, annihilation, liquidation, eradication, special treatment

are you sure about that