Icky Trannies in sports causes a massive dumpster fire in Chapo.

39  2019-05-12 by GodOfDarknessWine


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Cause? It's always so

every single person in that thread is the type of person who would use the phrase "LOL SPORTSBALL" unironically

looking forward to the terf surge as these girls graudate highschool bcuz competitive sports r stoopid

HIGH SCHOOL IS LITERALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD - idiots who care about high School sports like it's the Olympics.

Yeah these niggas melt when someone types "fag" on a online forum.

Hmm 🤔

Sch-sch-scholastic terrorism !! 😭😭

He just got sent the digital gulag. The T runs the revolution, not on board? Too bad. how they just dismiss High school sports as if it can’t have a major outcome on a students college career. They’re just upset they woulda been picked last.

most cisgender women can give birth, most transwomen cannot

They found a guy who can push a baby out his dick?!

it doesn't make either more of a women

I for one think we should have morr segregation in sport, for example do femboys beat trannys at sport, or perhaps wr can see if soyboys can outperform orange pilled incels.

Thank god nobody here votes.

i could find more examples

Plural of anecdote is data, right? 😹😹😹😹

"I hate sports!"

-the people who identify with the working class

girl gets absolutely shit on by superior athletes

Muh unfair competition!

Train harder, sweaty 😎

What this really shows is just how out of touch and white commies are on reddit. You know who care about sports? Black people.

This whole debate absolutely booty blasts black people, and the response to fixing it booty blasts them even more.

The answer is testosterone and hormone tests. Black women have more testosterone on average, and they can't compete in races anymore.


Absolutely blasted