Armchair "Lawyer" in r/News declares anyone who defends nazis to be a nazi. Chapocels invade, start going off about how capitalism "killed" more people compared to communism. And when a few users bring up free speech, everything goes South.

24  2019-05-12 by GodOfDarknessWine


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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We're all nazis on this blessed day.

Can I ask how this is "news"?

No wonder burger brains are rotting, they choose the most sensationalist events instead of ones that actually matter.

We don't get to choose what's on the news. It's just whatever they want to force feed that day

literally flies the banner of the third Reich on the top of their home



Listen I agree that not all rightoids are Nazis but I think the dumbass in that article should have had their house burned down tbh.

You're wrong about everything

All rightoid men ARE Nazis but we should not hold their genocidal desires against them because many if them are only nazis because they believe that being a leftoid makes you gay.

And obviously not all leftoid men are gay. Some of them only pursue cuckoldry because they get off on the humiliation having been severely abused by their single mothers. Even many of the leftoid men who live as gay men aren't really gay, they're just doing it to avoid leftoid women which, I mean, can you blame them given the circumstances?

Of course even there we have another misconception in that people believe that because left wing women are statistically fatter, uglier, more unhappy, less faithful, worse mothers, can't cook, and are riddled with STDs that they're somehow worse than right wing women. But right wing women make you guy to church even though you want to play videogames and that is why my mom will not be getting a present today.


For someone who doesn't like nazis you spend a lot of time defending nazis on the internet

Lol cant tell if your serious but Defending free speech (even for nazis) is not defending nazi ideology.

You're never online campaigning for other people's free speech, you only ever lament the fate of the poor nazis.

Lol based on one thread? Where ive stated multiple times that I would defend anyones free speech? You mean where I unconditionally support freedom of speech? You have no idea what and who i’ve supported through out my life so even if you base your assumptions about me on ALL of my comments on reddit, it does not represent me and my ideas as a whole. You do not know me.

Stop trying to guilt me into saying “okay maybe we can make an exception for nazis” because you wont get me into saying it and you will also never hear or see me say that I support any nazi ideology. Go play on facebook where your fucking dribble belongs

why aren't you online ranting about blacks who are silenced in our political system? Do you think american nazis are more unjustly oppressed than blacks are?

No, that was the topic of the discussion.

people who aren't angry don't multi-reply /u/jrfignewton

Thats, like, your opinion, man.

stop downvoting me, you're silencing my first amendment rights

dude the lolcow is getting the better of you, you should be ashamed

And give some examples of blacks actually being silenced and I will condemn that.

I'm sorry, but it's not my job to make you not look like a nazi sympathizer.

You’re continuing to purposely misrepresent my position so im choosing to respectfully leave this conversation

Your position seems to be that you're enthusiastic to defend nazis, but can't be bothered to defend Americans.

The only reason most chapos haven't gone on a killing spree is because they're terrified that suicide will prove too tempting once they pick up a weapon.