Girl thing problem stuff.
10 2019-05-12 by Docjjjjj
Theres this girl i like (she likes me too) and we talk alot but these past few days shes been acting kinda like a jerk, she basically called me not important, says that we talk a little too much, and keeps saying shit like i gtg im gonna go talk to my ex, then the next day she acts like she was just playing the whole time, that day was yesterday and we havent talked since, whats up with that?
2 MehmedIIDidNoWrong 2019-05-12
Holy shit stop being such a fag and just stop messaging her. Girls can sense your desperation a mile away. If you want to be a desperate loser, go after trussy. They're usually super desperate and will love your creepy levels of persistence.
1 Docjjjjj 2019-05-12
Thing is i dont even message her that much lmao
1 MehmedIIDidNoWrong 2019-05-12
Then stop messaging her altogether who gives a shit.
1 Docjjjjj 2019-05-12
1 trappysaruh 2019-05-12
2 MehmedIIDidNoWrong 2019-05-12
All except you bb. You're the chad trussy <3
2 trappysaruh 2019-05-12
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2019-05-12
Your friend has bipolar personality disorder.
1 byobombs 2019-05-12
Honestly she’s pushing you to test your boundaries and how far she can get away with shit. This is prime sociopathic foid behavior. I’d either stop talking to her or show her who’s in charge of the relationship. Next time she says something shitty, you take control and smack her into next week. While foids who act like this are evil and will try to dominate you, they’re also mentally unstable and you can twist them into being your subordinate by telling them no one will ever love them, they’re ugly, they’re useless etc etc. Once you get her to feel like she’s nothing/subhuman garbage that no one would ever love (“other than you” you make her think), you have reached peak alpha.
You got this, king 🤴🏻 🙌
1 PraisePerun 2019-05-12
God am I shitposting with 17 year olds????
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-05-12
Welcome to Minecraft 😎
1 PraisePerun 2019-05-12
Drunk shitposting ain't good for your self steam but you make everyone make feel better apparently
1 PraisePerun 2019-05-12
I'm too drunk to understand what you actually mean,
1 kalinida 2019-05-12
1 MGTOWWOM 2019-05-12
Sorry, but we live in a world where r/relationship_advice is a thing.
I'm going to need a few more paragraphs and plot twists before I even consider not reading.
1 Rentokill_boy 2019-05-12
the answer is clear, fuck boys
1 MzCherryBlossom 2019-05-12
Cut her out your life permanently. She’s a walking personality disorder (probably BPD) and she’s testing you with push/pull tactics.
1 Professor_Crunchwrap 2019-05-12
Gussy ewwwwwww
1 Vielaken 2019-05-12
If she isn't at least a trussy this is already a lost cause
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-05-12
You gotta neg her, dude. Typical pickup artist stuff. First say things like "your earrings are muy estupido" and when she asks why you said that, just play it off as practicing Spanish homework. Guaranteed that will make her like you.
1 tankatan 2019-05-12
Solution: Wait until you're no longer a teenager.
1 ImReallyNotADramaAlt 2019-05-12
“(She likes me too)” Lmao you sure about that buddy?
1 Docjjjjj 2019-05-12
Yeah she told me first
1 ImReallyNotADramaAlt 2019-05-12
Women lying for attention? Why I never
1 tHeSiD 2019-05-12
Were you doing her school assignment?
1 Burnnoticelover 2019-05-12
This one is too far gone, boys.
1 projaredgamerfan69 2019-05-12
Im not smart what does gussy mean
1 BasedLikeZyzz 2019-05-12
Basically what you have to do is buy a bunch of liquid nicotine and a small dropper. Every time you hang out, apply a little to her skin. Before you know it, she'll always want to be with you. This is what every guy does when they turn 18, go get em kiddo.
1 kalinida 2019-05-12
Lmfao this should be a skit 😂
1 RandolphCox 2019-05-12
randy thinks all retarted other posters should shutup . classic flirtin wit u. msg her more .if she says she is msgn ex then call her a teasn slugt,
1 RandolphCox 2019-05-12
randy says u must hit gym 2 . ur t lvls r that ov lil girl.
1 error404brain 2019-05-12
What did you say/do in the past month that could make her mad ? Foids are literally children, with added spite. Most of the time it's just because you hurt their precious feefees that they are mad.
1 Ravensthrowit 2019-05-12
Go get drunk together, fuck, then ghost her for a week or so.
If she stops messaging back then then it wasn’t meant to be anyway
1 Futhermucker 2019-05-12
cozy up to this kind of content folks, we'll be seeing a lot more of it with only approved submitters
1 The_Live_Ghost 2019-05-12
Around foids
Always avoid
1 CapitalGigi 2019-05-12
she's trying to see how upset you get to gauge your interest bc she's insecure.
1 serialflamingo 2019-05-12
Get into men.
1 aqouta 2019-05-12
If she doesn't want to sleep with you before you want to sleep with her then give up and find a new one, this only gets worse.
1 janniesRfags 2019-05-12
Gross dude. Chicks are for fags.
1 Cyanthrope 2019-05-12
I think you want r/relationship_advice son
1 Docjjjjj 2019-05-12
Sorry new to reddit wasnt really sure where the best place to post this was.