Special gamers on r/prolapsed_jared discuss on whether prostateJared's exwife is hot or not, discovering the harsh truth of the cosmetic industry.

61  2019-05-12 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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also imagine thinking any of these gamer gremlins is any higher than a 5/10

go outside

She is cute, tho

Did you only look at the edited pictures? She is 100% certified goblina in videos.


Not sure why my post was linked here, this has nothing to do with cosmetics and makeup. There's no "harsh truth" discovered. Hot girls are hot with or without makeup, and makeup rarely can save the looks of an ugly girl.

Having said that, photoshop can make anyone attractive, make-up of not

Also, not a gamer



english? I don't speak trollfag..

You are absolutely S E E T H I N G


  1. You're a gamer. A GAMER!!!

  2. That foid is damn near tyranny-tier with makeup. Maybe if you shill for her online though she'll touch your pee-pee. So... keep it up?

You're a gamer. A GAMER!!!


That foid is damn near tyranny-tier with makeup. Maybe if you shill for her online though she'll touch your pee-pee. So... keep it up?

foid? Is that internet cuck speak or something? And you though I was shilling for her?

Are you autistic or something?

Foids, not even once. Next time stick to bussy, kiddo.

Nothing personnel.

I don't speak virgin cuck. When you want to speak english, come back, I'd love some insight into what's going down in that inbred brain of yours

Dramatards get told by a passerby. I applaud you my dude, keep it up.

Dear Diary,

Today I was the lolcow.

Lol you just deep-dicked that idiot. When a dramatard puts in this much effort without gaining any ground, you know it's over.

It's over for gamercel's

You should stick around, you'll do well here


Lmao you're not bad at this, you should stay

Imho heide is def cute. 8/10 if NOT HIGHER

/u/EmeraldJirachi have you ever spoken to a woman you're not related to

First off all. thats just very rude, second. People are shit talking her, why not defend somebody thats absolutly does not deserve it, most if not everyone is saying shes cuter then what jared went for afterwards

She's an 8/10 if you're a permavirgin, maybe

Hey to each theire own

Except you, you're taste in foids is absolute shit

thats okay

It's not though, do better

I mean do i really have too?

No you can pine after that tranny looking piece of filth if you want. It's a free country.

๐Ÿ™ America bless God ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡

Okay, okay.

Looks are of course subjective. We could sit here forever and debate the true nature of beauty. We could also discuss your use of 'tranny' as an insult, but I know better than to debate such subjects with people of your... particular viewpoint. Therefore, my question is this...

What makes her a piece of filth, exactly?

Shes a foid, nuff said.

Au contraire, my friend.

The top definition of foid on Urban Dictionary (the most reliable source) is this...

A word used in the incelosphere to describe women.

Seems like a pretty accurate definition, considering the other definitions.

As the one making the claim, the burden of proof lies squarely upon you.

To quote you, "Lol nice troll attempt 0/10".

Foids are all filth. All hail glorious bussy


Foids are filth, therefore Heidi is a foid, as she is flith because she is a foid.

Did I get that right?

Now, if I'm not mistaken on the definition of "bussy" you're using, I agree with your second statement.



I've never used all (which is what I assume you mean).

Come on, at least try to troll!

You don't know what foids are, you don't know what bussy is...

Either you're an allfugee or an MDEfugee, and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt on that one.



I've never used MDE either.

Additionally, I think the definitions I found were quite accurate, don't you?

In fact, I've not once given you the definition I think to be correct for 'bussy'.

You are the least entertaining troll I've ever encountered.

Scratch that, you are one of the most boring things I've ever encountered.

Bussy is literally at the top of this subreddit. You shouldn't need to look it up.


Okay, neat.

I've never been on this subreddit to my memory.

Well, I'll go back to the void that I came from. There's nothing interesting here.

LOLCOWS like you are here.

I have no idea how to respond to that.

I've debated people like you before on slightly more subjective matters. It was impossible for them to think they haven't won...

It seems that more objective matters hardly make a difference.

Thank you for your time, LOLCOW.

I think she is a very presentable young lady based upon the two screenshots I glanced at for half a second.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Jesus Christ delete this. Irony or not this is bad

Um, no. Thanks for stopping by please come again.


This subreddit is more toxic than a League queue filled with virgins

HELL YEAH you're right, basic yasuo main in a nutshell

I don't understand this but I worry it's gamer slang

have you been radicalised online? Do your parents know about this

since im a guy that likes to share knowlage, yasuo is a character in a video game called league of legends, usually this character is played by people that are really toxic people also known as ASSHOLES.

They commonly are people that think so highly of themselves they get mad at others for doing not so good in the video game.

Basically you could look at em like wealthy people down talking not so wealthy people:)

Hope this helped.

also yes my parents DO know about this, but seeing as im over the age of concent in my country they should really not have to worry what I types of online games I play

but seeing as im over the age of concent in my country they should really not have to worry what I types of online games I play

Why did you bring up age of consent? Did your parents abuse you and you decided to bottle your hatred and let it off in vidya instead?

not really, ive never had any hate for my parents, they are the best people this world has to offer, especially since my little brother passed away 4 months ago, there is NOT A SINGLE BIT of hate for them. and no I dont have any problems that I need to let off in video games, I play video games to have fun with friends:)


X doubt

It do be like that

Remember to make this a wonderful Mother's Day for your mom. ๐Ÿค—

Do not worry. We got her a bunch of gifts

they are the best people this world has to offer

really? i bet i could name 5 better people than ur stupid parents

I very much doubt that

Sorry to hear about your brother, friend.

Yeah its sad. But being down about it isnt somethin he would want

Its really funny how much they make fun of gamers here... dont bother explaining to cretins tho ;)

Lol, we dont speak virgin

I mean, aslong as you use this subreddit you arent gonna get MUCH further yourself, sir

Imagine not knowing how easy it is to get bussy these days. It literally takes a shower and a haircut but I guess those 2 things are difficult for a LoL virgin to accomplish

Sure, I suppose. I play the game in my off time with friends, and after work. seeing as being a chef is taxing and sometimes I just DONT wanna go out after work. but yeah I suppose finding work for someone thats a reguler on this sub is kinda hard

Sure, I suppose. I play the game in my off time with friends

So all the time for a permavirgin NEET

seeing as being a chef is taxing and sometimes I just DONT wanna go out after work.

Cheffing is the ultimate wagecuckery and If you're not doing it in a city that's at the top of the industry then you're basically working at mcdonalds

but yeah I suppose finding work for someone thats a reguler on this sub is kinda hard

That's whatever youre talking about for ya, can I have my fries now?

Hmm honestly i didnt expect to be on /r/roastme but for some reason you keep responding to a stranger who really doesnt give a single shit about your oppinion.

So yeah ill be heading out, i can spend my time better then... on whatever this place is supposed to be


Cya, its been fun.

Serious post: you should really work in a big city if you plan on cheffing as a career, there is no point in working long term as a chef in an area that doesnt allow you to rise to the top of the industry. Honestly I'd reccomend getting out of the industry all together, there is no money in it, the hours are garbage and its thankless. I did it for a long time then finally moved to San Francisco, worked with some of the best but ultimately moved onto something else because I was tired of working 70hrs a wk and not being able to save money. I'm now much happier, wealthier and healthier. Holding down relationships is much easier and all the vices I had magically went away because I'm not stressed out and overworked

Honestly. Thats not a bad way to think. But eh its not my jazz. If i wanted to get ti bigger sitties that would mean traveling to the otherside if the netherlands.

Current hours are fine as we work in shifts. Payment is totally fine. And my boss is the nicest man on the planet.

Im fine where im right now, ive been with the resturaunt since its opening 6 years ago.

So right now ill stay where i am and enjoy my time, work imho shouldny be something you should dislike or be against

Forget every thing I said, I thought you were an ameritard. Working in restaurants here is basically slave labor. I'm sure workers in general get treated better where you're at

no lol, im from the netherlands. Its quite nice over here, most of us have great contact with our boss, heck the guys one of the main chefs, we have absolutly NO PROBLEMS with him, or anything in our current work enviorment

This sub is basically roast me where all the redditors are unintentionally trying to say the most cringe things possible.

Im pretty sure i got braindamaged by some of the people talkin.. atleast i got my karmas worth

how easy it is to get bussy

how easy is it to get rid of those herpes

I wouldn't know because I wear a Jimmy hat when I plough your mom and wreck your dad's anus, I'm sure you've seen the condoms floating in the toilet when you take pee breaks from gayming. Coincidentally, you peepeeing on the condoms I use on your parents is the closest you'll ever get to getting laid

And that's a good thing.

where do you thinks the virgins go between queues?

so like a hon game

I don't really see how any white person can be over a 5. they're all so pasty and disgusting. I had a friend named bobby who is white and he is nasty n shit.

i mean not to be racist or anything. but I can never see myself fall for anyone.... black.

Why do you hate black people?

not sayin i hate em, i just dont idk have any affection for em. I GUESS that makes me racist in the context of this subreddit

Do you hate minorities in general or just in video games?

Hate is a strong word.

Not strong enough?

I mean if thats your oppinion sure

I can't wait till your type is bred out of existence

I mean thats gonna take a while, we all know MOST humans have evolved past monkey stage, apart from... well yours


Maybe. Cant care if it is

Hope she sees this bro.

Honestly, I dont really care if she does or not, I just dont think she should be shit talked after having to file a devorce, have her husband be outed for a child preditor and cheating on her. humans dont deserve that

She's not an 8 though

hey you can rate woman how ever you wanna read

Sheโ€™s a fuggly.

How awesome is that, a sub that's modded by Jared's deformed weiner ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Drama, is this true?

So the picture on the left is her without makeup? I'd still hit it

She's aight.

ITT: /r/drama learns that the collective standards of people on the internet are incredibly low

that said, why does it even matter how attractive she is?

People need validation whether or not she's worth jacking off to.

because some internet autist always has to let someone else know who/what they find attractive, no matter what the situation.

all of you are using the wrong rating scale

every single moid in that thread is less attractive than jared and more cucked than ross. and i am too for having to know about any of these people

Shadman is based, as always.