Octopus farming is ‘unethical and a threat to the food chain’: Mass-breeding of the highly intelligent creatures is ecologically unjustified, a new study says

32  2019-05-12 by sevp


There are about 300 species of octopus and many behave in surprisingly sophisticated ways. Some have been shown to use tools, for example. In one experiment, scientists observed octopuses building shelters from pieces of coconut shell.

Octopuses 1, NEETs 0

get back to me when an octopus has a 20gb reaction images folder, maybe then i'll be impressed


fuggg he's even got a cute lil hat

Awwww 🐙 🖥 😍

Honestly, how is this drama tho?



Stephen Hawking was there, too; even though it's not his specialty, just to lend a little extra weight.

I think I'll become vegan, seeing as I'm already getting soy intravenously

Octupuses are unironically very fuckin based

I love them very much. Once my manifesto is finished I'm going to start offing these niggas who abuse animals

You're the best

yeah I don't think this is going to stop anyone from doing it if it is profitable, easy and not illegal.

They actually taste pretty good.

For real. Just had one grilled in Mexico. It was amazing.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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I wonder why homo(((sapiens))) think intelligence should be the measure for the value of an animal's life.

Suffrage for cephalopods!

Some of them could be smarter voters than your average American.

It makes the most sense in terms of ethical consumption. An octopus is more sentient than other types of seafood and will suffer more upon getting killed. Without factoring in shit like impact on the environment or impact on the food chain, killing animals that are more capable of understanding what is happening and feeling terror and anguish is worse than killing animals that are less capable of these things

I agree. People with low IQ should be culled.

Yeah but that shit is tasty though

Octopuses are way too smart to harvest for food.

We farm Mayo's in the suburbs and they're supposedly intelligent

Yeah but they're delicious, miss me with that eco shit 😤😤

the texture is great but squid is a good enough substitute imo

Octopus is fucking delicious but I am legit bothered given how smart they are. If I have to save up to eat one once in a while instead of all the time on the cheap I'm ok with that.

nah we need to kill all the octopus/dolphins/elephants and apes there to smart