Boomers who leaned to use the web to donate to bulding The Wall get BTFO'd by a yacht

53  2019-05-12 by ArlenBilldozer


Rightoid boomers get grifted so often their kids are gonna get nothing in inheritance lmao. You hate to see it

Boomers are so up to their eyes in credit card and loan debt that they never had any real inheritance to pass down anyway.

theyll go on fox news

Which would you rather have: a lame ass wall that just sits there and does nothing, not even very cool. Or a very cool yacht that you cna sail and get hammered and fucked very cool, very hot chicks on. I'd take the boat every time

Cash for Gold Wall

boomers everybody!

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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you don't get to call it a yacht if it's only a million shekels

a million shekels

$280,905.00 USD

all american money eventually goes to the zionists so it's basically all shekels

lol no

JIDF please go

whatever you say 4-day-old account created to evade the ban.

Ikr? Also, rightoids, NO REFUNDS!

That article was hard to read and the OP seriously needs to brush up on his writing skills. If it's true then it's probably the least surprising news of the year tho

Good for him

The story is not surprising at all, but it would spawn great drama if this turns out to be true.

Knowing people from both sides of the aisle is very fun, it's like the see-saw of political fuckery. One day I have someone on the left harping on their latest political gloating, and I have someone on the right doing the same thing on the next day.

I gave him like 100 bucks bc drunpf was wavering on the wall, and the guy was supposedly a triple amputee. The message from trumps base was clear after this. I like that he bought a yacht, got sjws seething. I don’t click fake news, was this guy not a Purple Heart triple amputee?



Watch out for that LIBEL. Less see hows it goeseee

Brian Kolfage is in the comment section of that article defending himself ahaha

Wondering if I can somehow make money this way