The absolute state of r/GenderCriticalGuys

1  2019-05-13 by POST_BUSSY


Nigga this fake a shit

Maybe not tho. He had a post in LateStageCapitalism, and he talks bout being toxic.

I agree with the second gussy

But this post kinda sucks so I'll delete it

Fair. He wasn’t extreme enough.

😭 I suck at finding drama post now. Don't have much time to scour Reddit any more.

It’s over for you nigga

Same. Gotta find something soon.

I saw a tays fourth and fifth gussy. What the fuck is up with that shit nigga. Why they mayos want to appropriate our culture?

Noooo you fr?

Yeah those bitches want to copy me even more than you already have. You get a nigga pass tho! But for real why they want to keep us down brotha

They don’t have the extra ankle bone, and they hate us for it.

Base and bone pilled. But for real those bitches better never come to Baltimore. Fuck em nigga

I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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